Page 79 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 14
P. 79


          meant to increase students’ ‘under-  situates these ‘smoky slum escapees’   In fact, Patta herself says in her
          standing of a topic’. They clarified   at the ‘heart’ of an industry that,   video that “Joan’s tuition fees were due;
          that those who purchase work from   first and foremost, did not originate   William was battling to pay his rent and
          them are not meant to submit the   from and is not restricted to Kenya,   so they turned to the global essay-for-hire
          work as their own, even though the   as you can see from the quote from   industry.” She continues “Here’s how it
          company said they did not believe   The Insider above and as you will   works; the Kenyans advertise themselves on
          that their clients used their work   find from any quick search online.   reputable websites with hip names like Ace
          correctly. Naivety or deception? The   Wikipedia also lends a hand in the   My Homework and Essay Jedii. These
          Insider in 2016 wrote an article on   history behind the issue of essay   are legitimate platforms offering academic
          this topic that was based on a New   mills or paper mills: “The idea be-  assistance like tutoring, but some students
          York Times piece, saying “Millions   hind term paper mills can be dated   use them to pay writers who would do
          of essays are produced in coun-    back to the mid-nineteenth century   anything for them; from an urgent essay to
          tries including Kenya, India, and   in which “paper reservoirs” were   an entire college degree.”
          Ukraine every year to be turned in   located in the basements of frater-
          by American college students.” In   nity houses. Otherwise known as   These essay mills, and their clientele
          fact, according to Patta’s report for   “fraternity files,” these essay banks   and freelance writers are found all
          CBS News, “The Kenyans are so      were practices in which students   around the world. In the Guardian’s
          good at the job that sometimes they   shared term papers and submitted   article, the owner of that firm is a
          get asked to dumb things down.     work that had been done by other   UK company that charges between
          Between them they say they have    students. These essay banks inspired   400 – over 1,000 pounds per essay.
          enabled American students to cheat   the commercialization of ghost-  So, to try to pin this on ‘pover-
          their way through everything from   written essay-writing practices. As   ty-stricken’ students in Nairobi is
          US history to engineering, even    early as the 1950s, advertisements   either laziness on her part or some
          medicine.                          were circulating college campus that   other game is afoot. And to call
                                             described services that included   those platforms reputable is laugh-
          May I draw your attention to some   ghostwritten work for dissertations,   able at best, especially when you
          very important points that we can   theses, and term papers.          consider that the CBS anchor in
          pick up from Patta and her sto-                                       studio admitted that they did not
          ry, which we need to focus on as   In conjunction with this practice,   hear back from the companies men-
          Afrikans? First is her psychological   the changing attitudes of students in   tioned, which suggests to me that
          use of the slum setting to explain   the 1960s and 1970s started to stray   nobody had occasion to speak to
          to her audience the underprivileged   away from diligent and engaged   them, let alone vet their reputations.
          backgrounds from which these       course work because they saw an    And you really have to visit these
          Nairobi-based ‘billionaire enablers’   emphasis on the benefits of com-  websites to find out the other reason
          are said to come from. The next    munity involvement. A new focus    why I am laughing. How sly and
          thing that she did was gloss over   on activities outside of the class-  awful of these Kenyans to ‘exploit’
          the facts, saying that Nairobi is the   room took away from time to focus   these ‘reputable’ firms who are only
          ‘heart’ of this ‘billion-dollar indus-  on class work, thus promoting these   ‘offering academic assistance like
          try’. If William, from her story is   writing services throughout college   tutoring’.
          one of those at the ‘heart’ of this   campuses.
          billion-dollar industry and is earning                                It is interesting how Patta got to the
          $2000 per month, or $24,000 per    Soon, actual businesses were pro-  end of her story without whole-
          year, with those he hires earning   viding custom-written essays for   heartedly rebuking the American
          even less than that, where are these   students in exchange for compensa-  students who the poverty-stricken
          billions? Where are the Kenyans    tion. They were located near college   billion-dollar hub of essay writers
          at this ‘heart’ who have them?     campuses. One could walk into a    ‘would do anything for’ so as to
          She didn’t make mention of them    building and peruse pricing pam-   ‘enable them to cheat’. Or how she
          turning down her attempts to reach   phlets, speak to someone directly   concluded her narrative without
          them, she did not list their names or   to place an order, or possibly make   unearthing the real Kenyan billion-
          the names of their businesses. I’m   a selection from a vault of recycled   aires at the ‘heart’ of this industry,
          not saying Kenyans are not partici-  research papers stored in the base-  who are quite evidently not William
          pating in this business. I’m pointing   ment of these businesses.”    or Joan as the calculations I shared
          out a glaring hole in her story that                                  will quite quickly help you realize.

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