Page 74 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 14
P. 74

Innovate Afrika

          fake Naira bills? Because they can’t,   Afrikans don’t even know what that   restored, we continued.)
          because the Nigerian central bank   means. Secondly, you need a perma-
          has a special unit to check the au-  nent internet connection to receive   What just happened is the reality of
          thenticity of the bill.            new blocks of Bitcoin transactions   almost all countries in Afrika today.
                                             and send yours. Thirdly, and people
          A cryptocurrency is an Afrikan trea-  are not talking about it very often,   We have internet providers that have
          sury. We have to set up a tac team   mining Bitcoin requires a lot of   no responsibility whatsoever to their
          to protect it. It’s not just a comput-  energy. It is estimated that in 2020   customers, because they are pow-
          er software that is left alone. The   the mining of Bitcoin cost about   erful, because they are usually from
          source code also has to be updated   300 gigawatt hours. That is 10 times   former colonizers. For example, my
          regularly to take into account the   the monthly consumption of any   connection comes from Orange,
          western development.               country on the continent. Crypto-  that is France. They are free to deliv-
                                             currencies are not adapted to Afrika,   er the service whenever they want.
          Do we have the technology to       that is why we came up with a new   That is the reality of Afrika we don’t
          effectively manage cryptocurren-   currency that we designed from     have a stable internet connection;
          cies in Afrika?                    ground up to be adapted in every   we don’t have the same reality as in
          This is a very important question,   aspect to our context, to the context   Europe. I was in Amsterdam for
          because this question goes into the   of Afrika.                      five years, I never had a single day a
          context. In fact, the real question is                                shutoff of my internet connection,
          are current cryptocurrencies adapt-  This is the cryptocurrency that   never. I never had for a single day
          ing to Afrikan technology? I will   WOHAOO has created, Ne-           a shutoff of my electricity connec-
          answer directly, no. The inventor of   bucoin? Tell us about it, what   tion, never. But in Afrika, this is our
          Bitcoin was an Australian. Australia   makes it different and why it is so   reality. So, how can we develop our
          is a developed country they have an   specifically adapted to Afrika.  own technology that addresses our
          internet connection almost for free,   Let me take a small step back to tell   context. A technology is a solution,
          they have electricity that is so cheap.   you how Bitcoin was designed. If   we should always remember that.
          We don’t have this in Afrika.      you heard what I said about Bitcoin,   A technology it is not a Bible, it is
          There are many points that will tell   you will understand that Bitcoin   not a universal truth, it is a tool to
          you that Bitcoin is not adapted for   only considers one actor, the payer,   address a problem. A problem is
          Afrika. First of all, a Bitcoin trans-  that the one paying for the busi-  always attached to a specific context
          action takes about ten minutes to   ness transaction online. Bitcoin was   so that is why we Afrikans have to
          be processed. Any Afrikan man or   designed to put the payer at ease, by   develop our own technology. We
          woman will tell you that nobody is   preventing him or her from giving   should not be ashamed to reinvent
          going to wait for ten minutes for his   away his or her private information,   the wheel if it is necessary. Even
          cheque to be approved. The second   like full name or home address. So,   the wheel, we have to reinvent the
          thing is about the internet, if you   Bitcoin is a one stakeholder crypto-  wheel, because the wheel that rides
          want to initiate a Bitcoin transaction   currency and most cryptocurrencies   in Europe is different from the
          you have to be online, if you’re not   that exist today like Ethereum are   wheel that rides in the forest of
          online, your business transaction   just clones or copies of Bitcoin.   Afrika.
          might be invalidated later. This is   With Nebucoin, we said we are not
          not possible in Afrika.            going to make a clone of Bitcoin   Let’s take the example of roads, we
                                             we are not going to take a single line   have imported the asphaltic roads
          The third point is about processing.   of code from Bitcoin, we are not   from Europe to Afrika. Asphalt is
          The Blockchain is a decentralized   even going to look at the code. We   meant for cold climates and here in
          network of processing nodes.       are going to look at the problem   Afrika it is hot, so we make asphal-
          Bitcoin was created so that any-   and how we can solve it. The first   tic roads and after two years, they
          one with a CPU can be a Bitcoin    question we asked was: Who are     are broken. It’s the same thing with
          processing node. There is something   the stakeholders, who are the actors   cryptocurrency. We cannot import
          in the design that prevents Afrikan   involved in an online business trans-  Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies
          people from joining the network. If   action. They are four.          in Afrika. The currency is a central
          you plan to be a Bitcoin processing                                   element of every country, we cannot
          node, you have to have a public    (At this point our connection was lost   joke with that, if we don’t take
          internet address and that alone most   temporarily. When the connection was   enough precautions, we will lose

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