Page 90 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 14
P. 90


                      What Will Be The Impact Of Foreign

                                       Aid Reduction To The

                African continent?

                                                By Natasha Fuyane

                             Article originally published in The Southern African Times:

          LONDON, (The Southern African      tary transfer of resources from one   of its national income. The United
          Times) – The world as we know it is   country to another. Foreign aid has   Nations has a target for nations to
          changing at a rapid pace. Ideologies are   been a lifeline to some regions in   spend approximately at least 0.7%
          shifting, governments around the world are   the African continent, for example,   of their national incomes. In 2020,
          contending with fierce dissension and great   as per the Oakland Institute, the   only a handful of western nations
          unknown unknowns. In the midst of  pan-  aid Ethiopia receives from the US,   were meeting and exceeding that
          demic headlines, one underreported area   UK and the World Bank represents   target. This included Germany at
          of  change is the reduction of  foreign aid   approximately 50% to 60% of its   0.73%, UK at 0.7%, Denmark at
          budgets to the African Continent. What   national budget.             0.73%. Norway and Sweden were
          will be the impact of  foreign aid reduction                          high performers with their aid bud-
          to the African continent?          In July 2021, the UK government    gets at 1.11% and 1.14% of their
                                             announced that it was slashing its   national incomes respectively.
          Foreign aid                        foreign aid budget by approximately
          Foreign aid takes many forms. It   £4 billion a year. It reported that it   Notably, the United States’ foreign
          can be in the form of money grants,   is cutting its foreign aid budget from   aid budget in 2020 was only 0.17%
          food and supplies. It is the volun-  0.7% of its national income to 0.5%   of its national income with France

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