Page 93 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 14
P. 93


          who they are and what their true   When the mother is pregnant, she teaches   repentance and balance? Then, the
          identity is and by that, helping them   the singing of  this child to the midwives   spiritual, mental and physical jails
          return to balance and harmony with   and older women of  the village. So, when   would be out the window. Why? The
          self and others. But somehow, we   the child is born, old women and people   one who committed crime would
          have succeeded in creating not only   around him sing his song to welcome him.  not have committed crime in the
          a prison system for the correction                                    first place if he was connected to
          of wrong in the society, like we have   As the child grows, the other villagers learn   his identity, purpose and destiny.
          correctional facilities for those fac-  his song. So if  the child falls, or gets hurt,   He would have known how his life’s
          ing jail terms, but the entire system   he always finds someone to pick him up   choices and decisions affect balance
          of the world has become a global   and sing his song. Similarly, if  the child   and Ma’at in the society. For to
          prison where non-conformists to    does something wonderful, or successfully   think of crime in the first place is
          brainwashing ideologies of the     passes through the rites of  passage, the   prison in itself.
          globalists, or the system, are seen as   people of  the village sing his song to honor
          rebels and worthy of mental, physi-  him.                             At some point in out lives as indi-
          cal and spiritual jail time.                                          viduals and as a people, we will have
                                             In the tribe, there is another opportunity   to shelve the rule of law for the rule
          The family system, educational     where villagers sing for the child. If, at any   of love; the rule of complaining for
          system, financial system, banking   time during his life, the person commits an   the rule of responsibility, the rule
          system etc., all have become a form   aberrant crime or social act, the individual   of war for the rule of peace, the
          of prison for mass control and     is called in the center of  the village and   rule of individualism for the rule
          global manipulation. All these are   the people of  the community form a circle   of community. In fact, we will have
          definitely against the cultural reality   around him. Then they sing his song.   to redefine what it means to live
          of the Alkebulan society and the   The tribe recognizes that the correction of    among others. The me, myself and
          principle of love, harmony and     antisocial behavior does not pass through   I syndrome will have to be killed
          growth. Sometime back, I read a    punishment, it is by love and reminder of    from our hearts and compassion
          story somewhere about the Him-     identity. When you recognize your own   and brotherhood have to come alive
          ba tribe of Namibia and how they   song, you don’t want or need to do any-  again. A state in which no one lives
          handle wrongs in the society. It is a   thing that would harm the other.⠀  in fear of others but in exchange
          story that sheds light on the Afrikan   And the same way through their lives. In   of love, mutual honor and collec-
          reality of justice and reconnection   Marriage, songs are sung together.  tive growth. We definitely have to
          back to society and thank goodness,                                   remember that life is more than our
          I found the story again on a Face-  And when, getting old, this kid is lying in   individual selves and that to be a
          book post very recently.           his bed, ready to die, all the villagers know   thriving society, we must lay hold of
                                             his song, and they sing, for the last time,   that which unites us, rather than that
          The story had this to say:         his song.~                         which takes us to war.

          In the Himba tribe of  Namibia in South-  This story for me is such a clear   Is this even possible? You may ask.
          ern Africa, the date of  birth of  a child is   reminder of how to live and thrive   My answer is a definite yes. Every
          fixed, not at the time of  its arrival in the   in a society, in which wrong doing   good or bad action or inaction
          world, nor in its design, but much earlier:   is not rewarded with more wrong   comes from the mind, which is the
          since the day the child is thought in His   doing, in the name of justice, but   seat of thoughts and the womb in
          Mother’s mind.                     the true identity of the person is   which actions are created. Meaning
          When a woman decides she’s going to have   called out, shown to the one who is   that, if we all begin to consciously
          a child, she settle down and rests under a   wrong and then creating room for   train our minds to think thoughts of
          tree, and she listens until she can hear the   repentance and change.   love and mutual understanding, then
          song of  the child who wants to be born.                              we will fill our dear Afrika with the
          And after she heard this child’s song, she   Imagine if we all as a collective   fruits and rewards of love.
          comes back to the man who will be the   society learn to sing the song or
          father of  the child to teach him that song.   songs that are directly connected to   Fear is a bringer of pain but perfect
          And then, when they make love to physi-  our destinies and purposes, while   love casts our fear.
          cally design the child, they sing the song of    reminding ourselves who we are in
          the child, to invite him.          relation to our God-given purpose   Think about it.
                                             and destiny, in order to bring back

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