Page 92 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 14
P. 92



                  SING YOUR SONG OF IDENTITY

                                              Samuel Phillips

                  risons, correctional facili-  honor than we give to humans?   made us. Meaning that, mostly, the
                  ties and the justice system   I am not saying that crime in the   real identity of many of the people
                  that we currently operate   society should be overlooked and   found in wrong doing are either
          Pglobally are nothing but a        criminals given open space to make   dead or locked up somewhere inside
          physical manifestation of a rotten   a mess of the society, but that   and need the right voices to awaken
          spiritual and mental reality. And   somehow we need to go back to the   them.
          it’s also true that we have a serious   basics of how crimes and criminal-
          problem in our society, when it’s   ity even begin in the first place; just   Before the coming of the white man
          possible for a people or a person   maybe we can learn how to adjust   to the space now known as Afrika,
          to kill a human being in order to   ourselves. I am of the opinion that   the means of justice in the society
          protect a goat or a cow. How deep   no one is born a criminal, neither is   went deeper than punishment and
          into rottenness have we stepped    anyone born a saint. Almost all the   the imprisonment of people. It was
          as a society of humans, that we    time, we all turn out to be what the   mostly about the return to balance
          no longer value human lives to the   family institution, the education-  and harmony, which is the reality
          point where we treat our livestock   al institutions, the society at large   of Ma’at. It was about reminding
          or property with more respect and   and our own decisions and choices   an individual caught in wrong doing

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