Page 48 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 17
P. 48
Magnificent Architecture of Ethiopia
The Ancient Wonders of Afrika
Chioma Phillips, Nairobi
f you have been reading Msin- Afrika’s greatness, together. substitute for the holy places of
gi Afrika Magazine for any Jerusalem and Bethlehem, gaining
length of time, then you are The Ancient Aksumite Kingdom, huge significance in Christendom.
Iaware not only of our deep located on the Tigray plateau, is These churches, situated in the Am-
love for Afrika, but also our great world famous for its impressive hara region, at an altitude of 8.200
affection and admiration for Ethio- monolithic obelisks, the largest ft (2,500 meters) and built over 800
pia, The New Dawn of Spirit. This standing one reaching up to 23 years ago, had their windows, doors,
is one land that never ceases to fas- meters and the largest of all, which roofs, floors, carved out of rock.
cinate and inspire. From Ethiopia, lies on the ground, up to 33 meters. They also have a complex network
great heroes have arisen to prevent These were carved with great detail of passages, drainage, and ceremo-
horrific oppression, courageous and, along with the royal tombs and nial passages. These churches are
and noble acts have been carried palace ruins which date back to the called:
out by a community of people who 6th and 7th Centuries AD are firm
believed in the greater good, making reminders of the ancient excellence • Biete Medhani Alem (House of
the ultimate sacrifice for freedom; of architecture in Afrika. the Savior of the World);
and Ethiopia’s magnificent and • Biete Mariam (House of Mary);
breathtaking landscapes are matched The 11 monolithic churches carved • Biete Maskal (House of the
by its great and ancient architecture out of rock in Lalibela, under the Cross);
that continues to make a lie of the reign of King Lalibela, who creat- • Biete Denagel (House of Vir-
claims that Europeans and others ed a New Jerusalem, accessible to gins);
made and still make about Afri- all Afrikans, after pilgrimages to • Biete Golgotha Mikael (House
ka being a land of backwardness. Jerusalem were impeded by Muslim of Golgotha Mikael);
Today, let’s revisit the truth about efforts. Lalibela indeed became a • Biete Amanuel (House of Em-
48 | we tell the true afrikan story