Page 47 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 17
P. 47
Health & Healing
child takes two grams of moringa and the organic vegetables. And It’s amazing, we never had skin
every day, the coughs will go away, it will happen because we want to diseases, they never used to wear
the memory will be boosted, the create jobs for the young people, glasses. We want to just live natural
skin will be boosted, everything will we want to create jobs for mothers. and be happy. Our mental health is
just shine. We have a mixture of And then, as the children grow, the very important, you know when you
millet and the herbs, a mixture of 4K club, we want to understand use natural products your brain is
millet and the rice and the herbs, what is organic farming. energized, your brain works differ-
plain rice, this is good for all ages But this one we can only do on vir- ently, because there is no chemical,
and is an immunity booster. gin land, because we have to be sure so we reduce a stressed society;
We are coming up also with a flour this land has no chemicals, because angry husband, angry wife, angry
which is very fortified. We have chia these things, if you want them to children and it will be amazing.
seed in it, for ugali, and you know work, you must be free from the It is completely holistic.
everybody wants to eat good ugali. chemical we use on plants so we Any last words?
When you eat this flour, you do not shall just go and then We should embrace natural prod-
feel like your body has flopped, or se- lect ucts, natural living. If you are a
you tired. It is amazing, the diges- peo- natural person, I think you become
tion is very good, it can be taken by happier, you live in a different
blood sugar people, you know they world, you wear linen, you wear
are very sensitive form their diet. cotton, you do natural hair. I think
we should do natural life. We have
And you have products for sen- the cow skin we can do our shoes;
sitive people like pregnant and we can do our bangles we don’t
lactating women. need to go to extra miles looking for
Yes, we actually have only one plant chemicals to do our hair. We actually
which cannot be used by pregnant ple need to live naturally so that we re-
women and we actually avoid it. We who duce these diseases, cancers we don’t
only put it when we know you are have massive know where they came from, our
not pregnant. land even if it is a small land so mothers, our grandparents did not
long as it is a virgin land if we have have these cancers, arthritis was not
There are things that concern in a constituency 50 boys, or 50 there. We need to embrace ourselves
me, that I think about our com- women, who are doing this we can with natural products and Kenya is
munities on the ground and the change the society we just become a a beautiful country, it has beautiful
young people who I find get chemical-free society. We reduce dis- people so we just clothe ourselves
themselves into activities that are eases, we reduce bills to the hospital, with nature and we are done.
not beneficial, and communities we reduce our anger when we are
that don’t seem to be thriving. living in natural environments and So, there you have it, from the
But you have a solution for this. we will be empowered. mouth and the heart of some-
Actually, at Spills of Eden we have one who has overcome hardship
started talking to the MCAs, we You also look like you can be and struggles, it is possible. And
have started in Tharaka Nithi, Meru available to consult for other not only that, the choices that
and Embu. We want to empower countries in Afrika. we make each day: what we are
the youth and women so that we Yes, actually somebody carried my going to consume, what we are
introduce these plants to a constitu- millet to Zambia, I’m waiting for a going to wear, how we are going
ency, so that we give the production report. He has taken it to Zambia, to interact with people, they can
to the constituency, to introduce and he says he wants to introduce transform our societies, they
the natural living to people, organic it so that we can do it there. We can transform our families, our
eating. These young people can be start with Zambia and then we go homes, our own mindsets, for the
selling these products to second- to South Afrika he is ready to go better. And Afrika can change
ary school teachers, to the locals everywhere and, you know, most of just like that, step by step. This is
because there are so many people in the countries embrace these things. a message of hope from people
the local market who can take. On I would actually want Kenya let’s go who love Afrika and who believe
a market day there is a difference back to our roots let us go back to that our story can be different.
between the conventional vegetables what our grandmothers were doing.