Page 45 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 17
P. 45

Health & Healing

                                             was amazed I wanted to learn the   were locked up to October, so I did
                                             English part of what the Ugandans   a lot of work, I moved from the
                                             are doing. She took me over; I did   malls and I created this shop.
                                             3 small courses, and since I had the   Initially you didn’t have anything,
                                             interest, I got a lot of knowledge.   you didn’t have a place to stay, you
                                             I attended seminars…  because in   didn’t have an outlet to use. How
                                             Uganda, natural products are differ-  did you get past that mentally and
                                             ent from Kenya. I think it’s because   emotionally to come to the place
                                             of the way we were colonized, they   where you have set up an entirely
                                             were not colonized they have the   new operation?
                                             king, who still enriches their culture.
                                             The king has the knowledge of the   When I had outlets in the other
                                             first people, so the mzungu did not   places, I had an office where I would
                                             come to colonize them and remove   pack my products and that is where
                                             what they knew, telling them herbs   I went to hide this time of corona,
                                             is witchcraft, he didn’t succeed   because we were not allowed to live
                                             because still we have the Kabaka   with everybody. When I was there
                                             (king), who upholds the natural    because there were no hospitals,
                                             values of the Baganda.             people were fearing the infection,
                                                                                they would sneak in my home and
                                             I engraved myself to be a Muganda   tell me Stella give me this. And there
                                             to learn the culture and it’s amaz-  is a doctor who actually came, who
                                             ing, I got a lot of knowledge and I   would come to get the natural prod-
                                             vowed I will come back to Kenya    ucts to give to his customers be-
                                             and bring it back and here Spills of   cause everybody needed help. And
                                             Eden was born.                     he is the one who told me, “Stella,
                                                                                get out of here, go out!” And that
                                             You started by bringing some       is when I got this place, God gave
                                             products and selling them in       me this place. The people who were
                                             retail outlets that were not your   coming to the house transferred
                                             own. How was that going?           here and our journey has been long.
                                             I came and associated myself with   People who came they’ve referred
                                             Zucchini (a retail outlet) and I got   us, we’ve gotten new customers
                                             so many customers in Zucchini      every day, we’ve gotten kids coming
                                             and I would bring and display my   here, we’ve gotten so many organi-
                                             products. Incidentally there are   zations and we are actually amazed.
          did you start?                     some people who know about
          When I was in Uganda, I saw they   natural products, so I had a lot of   That is so beautiful because for
          had massive land and then I said, let   clienteles. But now the Covid came.   me it’s a story of  overcoming, of
          me buy land. What do I plant? Nat-  I had attended a seminar at Subiaco,   staring down the one thing that
          ural products. But, how do I get the   about natural products and it on   would have been so destructive
          knowledge about natural products?   30th March the world closed me in   and making a beautiful thing out
          I visited every elderly person, every   Kenya and I got confused. But since   of  it. So, what kind of  products
          lady, every Jaja, we normally call the   I am a prayerful person and I believe   do you have available for people?
          elderly Jaja. They gave me knowl-  in God, I called myself Jonah, be-  I have spices, spices are used in cu-
          edge so I translated their vernacular   cause I was vomited in Kenya to do   linary, you cook with them, but they
          herbal use to English. I took online   this. I embraced God and told God   are medicine. For example, there
          classes, I went to Makerere and I   thank you and thank you again for   is cardamom, there is chili, there
          studied the English version of their   putting me in the fish, vomiting me   is turmeric, there is ginger, there is
          natural and vernacular words and I   in Kenya. And I made up my mind   clove, all this is medicine. So, when
          met Mrs. Nambatia who heads the    this is what God wants me to do,   you go to buy spices, it’s not just
          Natural Medicine department. She   to give this knowledge I had gotten   for aroma, it is medicine and that is
                                             in (Uganda to Kenya). The borders   why we concentrate on herbs. We

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