Page 46 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 17
P. 46
Health & Healing
have both spices and herbs. How it is an exercise. Here we pamper we shouldn’t’ give up it should take
do I mix the herbs? I normally use the baby – no! A baby has to be us naturally. But you know some
the spices and mix with the herbs to stretched. I wish all those things can people die because they give up, they
make a combination. For instance, be transferred to our new mothers shouldn’t have died.
Skin Care, it has a mixture of spices so that they can learn these things. I believe there are so many opportu-
and herbs. All of our components And I believe this one works with nities in Kenya extremely so many,
are mixed with herbs and spices. the brain, because when I look in especially for natural products. Like
Ugandan culture, we don’t have so we need so many distributors we
So, that just comes from a basic many autism children, it’s totally would work with everybody and I
understanding of how the body different. Here we have some babies believe it is the will of the people,
works and how plants work and who delay to talk. There, babies if you are strong, there are so many
how they meet each other. It are never taken care of but they opportunities in Kenya. But there
reminds me of the scripture in grow very naturally and they adapt is something in Kenya, I think the
Genesis that says that the leaves to nature and they walk. When a character, because there are so
are for your medicine and the baby starts walking, no carrying. We many opportunities, but people are
fruit is for your food. So, you’ve should have those cultures. not trustworthy all over the world.
managed to find a way to infuse But if people now straighten their
everything that the body needs That’s very inspiring. Our Afri- character there are so many oppor-
into something that the people kan family is very large and many tunities. Because like when I am
can use for their cooking and if of them are living in Europe, in working with natural products, I
they need a remedy, they can use the US and some have become must be truthful with giving infor-
that. disconnected from some of these mation, I must be truthful working
Yes. You know, for example, in herbs and they really want them. with people, I should not shortcut,
Uganda, when a baby is born, we Is it possible for them to buy if I do not have a certain herb
don’t use Johnson’s or Sunlight, here from you? which someone needs, I should not
in Kenya we use all those. When a Yes, we actually take them by DHL just mix, I should be very truthful.
baby is born there are the parents to anywhere in the world. We have a That is how success comes because
who know the plants, the baby is system whereby the transportation you’re connected to God when
dipped into the plants that is the is very easy; we’ve dealt with those you’re working, and God watches
first communication to nature. They transports. We have a website, www. what we’re doing
believe the baby has to be connected there they will find
to nature, it is actually spiritual and our contacts, the range of products, Now, Stella, let’s be honest, some
then the baby is bathed with certain everything. of these things sometimes the
herbs and then some of them are price is a bit far for people to
put here in Skin Nurse. Uganda is Do you also customize solutions access, do you have a plan for
very hot, but you will never hear of for individuals with specific making your products readily ac-
skin rash, Kenya is cold, but babies needs? cessible to every level of society
have skin rashes. So, there is all that Yes. as it were?
difference. And you know when the Yes, actually, we want everybody to
baby is born the skin is translucent, What would you tell somebody have a taste of what we’re doing. We
so those herbs enter into the baby who is struggling to cross the want everybody to benefit, not only
and the baby will never develop a bridge from Covid happened those people who can afford. We
cough. to we must get on with life and have come up with a formulation
A baby is bathed once a week. The living? of millet and rice. There is a certain
aunty or the mother bring the herbs Let me tell you, I would say, you rice which only makes porridge so
so these herbs are boiled and then must do it. You see, I was actu- we have put the herbs here, these
every week the new mother bathes ally relocated here, I didn’t have are able to be taken by people of all
the baby. And then babies are not somewhere to stay, I didn’t have a ages. We’ve used the simple herbs
bathed the way we bathe here. You home, I didn’t have clothes, I didn’t which can take away coughs, which
know, there’s a way we bathe babies have my comfort, I had left all my can take away the stomach problem
as if they are dying, as if they are comfort in Uganda. But I made it. and also the digestion and it boosts
so delicate. No. A baby is held up, It’s just the will, your heart, the will the immunity. We produce a lot of
pulled, the hands are held, pulled of not giving up. I think even death moringa, which is a superfood, if a
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