Page 41 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 17
P. 41

Food Health

          •   A full length pdf illustrative    dals, which are a manifestation   •   A concerted and multi-pronged
              pictorial of the food scan-       of the unsafe and toxic food       pan-African effort, through
              dals can be downloaded from       system, must be stopped to         Food Campaigns, like the
              this link:     allow Africans make informed       current one planned by the
              system/attachments/sourc-         food choices that are aligned      Alliance for Food Sovereignty
              es/000/006/600/original/FSA-      with their local food cultures     in Africa(AFSA) and its various
              finalEN.pdf                       and which enable them live         Alliances, including Organic
                                                healthy and fulfilling lives while   Consumers Alliance(OCA),
          The introduction reads:               at the same time earning decent    whose CEO and Managing
          •   “Food safety scandals are         livelihoods from their farm        Director, in the video below,
              plaguing Africa. From contami-    produce.                           makes a passionate plea and
              nated meat to GMOs and toxic   What is the alternative to these      advises the UN Food System,
              milk for babies, the dangers to   toxic foods and the ensuing food   governments, especially African
                                                                                   governments, to make informed
              people’s health from industrial                                      policy decisions and a mind-
              food production are real. Here   •   Safe, diverse, local and African   shift from blindly promoting the
              we highlight seven cases that     Indigenous Vegetables (AIV)        failed “Western food systems”
              reveal how big food corporations   are part of the solution to these   towards sustainable time tested
              generate new risks, increase the   food scandals and the toxic       indigenous foods and food sys-
                                                foods they sell to unsuspecting
                                                                                   tems which make it possible for
              potential for cross-border con-   consumers. Recently, an inter-     the entire ecosystem to achieve
              tamination, and leave consum-     national team of agroecological    a healthy co-existence.
              ers vulnerable to the fraudulent   practitioners, including local   •   Have a listen to the benefits
              actions that affect food safety.”  universities launched a new       of mainstreaming diverse,
                                                book; a training manual on how     local and nutrient rich African
          •   The toxic food connection         to grow AIVs. Prof. Mary Abu-      foods as part of the strategy to
              with increased vulnerability to   kutsa, a reknown indigenous        combat COVID-19 in addition
              COVID-19 as indeed other          vegetables expert and nutrition    to judicious(not mass) vacci-
              infections and non-communi-       advocate, was the guest of         nation as shared by Dr. Peter
              cable diseases (NCDs) is not in   honor at the book launch, at       Mokaya:
              dispute. The weakened immune      C-SHEP                             com/watch?v=yQGWnRs-
              system and the body’s compro-  •   Here is a link to a free down-    1G_o&t=4s
              mised ability to mount a robust   load of the book: https://www.  •   If you found the article useful,
              and effective immune response     feel free to share and comment
              by producing antibodies against   training-manual-for-exten-         on our various social media
              the infection, in this case,      sion-officers-and-practitioners    handles. Thank you, in advance,
              COVID-19 is compromised        •   Need to strengthen natural        for sharing.
              resulting in more severe diseases   immunity and the antibodies
              manifestations. This phenom-      it produces from consuming a
              enon partly explains the higher   nutrient rich variety of foods.
              COVID-19 deaths in the USA        Scientific evidence demonstrates
              despite their higher vaccina-     that natural immunity is superi-
              tion coverage, as compared        or to vaccine induced immunity
              to Africa. The toxic industrial   and the antibodies produced.
              foods they consume weaken the     There is increasing evidence
              body’s immune system resulting    that natural immunity, from
              in more NCDs also referred to     safe and healthy nutrition, is the
              as co-morbidities, which in turn   more sustainable and protective
              make the population more vul-     than vaccine induced immunity:
              nerable to COVID-19 manifest-     Here is the evidence: https://         Dr. Peter Mokaya is the D
              ing as more severe disease and
              more deaths.                      101/2021.08.24.21262415v1               irector/CEO of Organic
          •   Going forward, these food scan-                                         Consumers Alliance, Kenya.

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 17 | NOVEMBER 2021      41
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