Page 21 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 23
P. 21


          is notorious for bullying others   by the gate in the cold of the

          and consistently trying to have    Savannah night until morning.
          the food alone.                    Even though I hail such acts of
                                             discipline and patience, Dude’s

          I don’t like greed or self-        own seems to be all about the
          centeredness, so you can           food. Well, what else should
          imagine my dislike for this        one expect from a dog?
          dog who constantly fights with                                             Samuel Phillips
          other dogs for dominion over       On the other hand, Picky is                    is a writer, graphic designer,

          food. At some point, we started    quiet and cute; you hardly hear        photographer, songwriter, singer and a
          to bring out the food only         him bark, and he doesn’t fight          lover of  God. As an African content
          when this vicious dog was not      the other dogs for food. Picky       creator, he is passionate about creating a

          around the gate. At least let the   will choose to run away if you      better image and positive narrative about
          others eat in peace.               get too close to the food you                       Africa and Africans.
                                             just gave him. He seems shy
          This story is about this vicious,   and behaves somehow like a
          bullish dog and one of the         “gentleman”.                       would take the food out.

          smaller, cute dogs. I will call
          the bullish dog Dude and the       On this evening, we had            As the evening went by, I got
          other dog Picky for purposes       collected a pile of leftovers and   caught up in other things, so I

          of this story.                     were waiting to see which dogs     was not paying much attention
                                             would show up. So, while we        to what was happening outside.
          Like I already said, Dude is       waited, I placed the food in the
          vicious, bullish, fights for       plastic bowl we use for them       Then, I heard a sound outside,
          food all the time, and his fur     and kept it on our veranda just    and I looked out of the kitchen

          is almost always unkempt. He       inside the gate. In my mind,       window, and suddenly, from
          is constantly lingering around     I wanted Picky, or one of the      nowhere, Dude was right on
          the gate, waiting for food.        other cool dogs, to be the one     top of the bowl of food. I

          Sometimes, he even sleeps          that would show up, and then I     dashed out of the door, and he,
                                                                                knowing he was in the wrong,
                                                                                ran away, passed through a
                                                                                hole in the fence and got out.
                                                                                Now I was thinking, how did
                                                                                Dude get into the compound

                                                                                with the gate closed? Then I
                                                                                noticed he had made a space
                                                                                just under our barbed-wire

                                                                                fence, which he had used to
                                                                                come in and get out. He must

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 23 | JANUARY 2024      21
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