Page 25 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 23
P. 25
study of the African responsible agent immersed
universe is inevitably in a community in the world
A a study of African with other agents like himself:
ideas of the human being, for his task is to give form to the
the African view of the world world and his life, not just to
is a human-centered one. We describe it. Such an image of
believe that a man is a self- man involves not only a shift in
defining animal. Rather than a standpoint from one in thought
being able to exist in isolation to another in action, it is also
from all else that there is, an intrinsically social view of
we may view him/her as an man. Rather than an egocentric
organism, relying for his/her self, it is a view of man as a
existence on living in a state of person among other persons,
exchange with his surroundings a self with a person, a way of
– being able to influence them presenting himself to other
but also being influenced by selves.
them. But even more than this:
we may consider him/her as Man is not just man in nature
living in the world in a state alone, he is also a man in
of exchange with other agents culture. And a man’s culture is
both like and unlike himself, not to be characterized in terms
forming communities such that of objective properties like all
together they can do more than the other things that he sees in
they could ever do alone. As an nature from within his culture.
agent immersed in the world The culture from within which
with other agents in community views the world and deliberates
with them, man faces the task upon how to act in it structures
of acting not just intelligently, his consciousness, and can only
but responsibly. be characterized in terms of his
Thus, even if he is quite alone
Dr Mfuniselwa when acting, he must be able As a human being, you are
surrounded by life space. All
to evaluate his own actions
Bhengu as he performs them, in other the persons and things of the
is an Independent Researcher on people’s terms – this is part universe are invitations to
Afrikan philosophy, Afrikology and of what it is to be able to say relationship and to action. They
Egyptology. He is an established and that he himself is responsible offer futures to you. In this
experienced author and self-publisher. for his own actions. This is particular moment of mankind,
the task of man as a socially the offerings are staggering