Page 27 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 23
P. 27


          in to forces that are leading us   of freedom. But the quest for      population of the world in

          to the point of self-hate and      more knowledge about Ubuntu        what they call the New World
          self-destruction. This is being    philosophy continues. This         Order of ungodliness, what I
          evidenced by the social ills that   keen interest in this philosophy   am referring to as a new world

          have become a plaque to our        is amongst all peoples of the      order based on Ubuntu is that
          human society.                     world, since it is an essential    “new world” where humanity
                                             human philosophy that              begins to live in peace and
          Human interest is the basis        makes men and women view           harmony, truth and justice, love
          of all value and that human        themselves as integrated units     and kindness and not because

          fellowship is the most             within the community.              any one is forced to do so,  but
          important of human needs. I                                           because all of humanity have
          strongly believe in humanism       To survive and prosper in          come to the place where we

          because it has taught me, and      the global village, we need        now understand that we are
          many others, to value human        to acquire what is destined        all from the same source and
          dignity. It has taught me that all   to be one of the most basic      that for life on earth to make
          human beings are born free and     humanistic tools in the new        real meaning and be truly
          equal in dignity and rights. You   millennium to restore our          productive, we must come

          possess human dignity if and       human dignity.                     together as a united people of
          only if you maintain it within                                        the world.
          yourself and you want other        There seems to be a

          people to recognize it. No one     conceptually visible intellectual   This is a journey that excites
          gives you human dignity.           HIV virus that is destroying       and enlivens one. In our
                                             and reducing the cells             present situation in the world,
          People can only acknowledge        of humanity to ruins and           there is a desire from all
          and affirm it. You nurture and     fragments, at the dawn of the      responsible people for moral

          nourish it yourself; if you have   new millennium, multiple           regeneration, and very often
          self-respect. Healthy self-        choices have to be made for        reference is made to Ubuntu.
          worth shows that you have          peace and harmony in the           The belief is that one day,

          self-respect. Dignity goes         world. It is one’s belief that     mankind will be measured by
          with worth. Decency towards        Ubuntu has a very powerful         its compassion, its love, its
          others comes from your sense       role to play in the creation       kindness and I have made it my
          of dignity. You treat other        of conditions for peace and        duty to work towards that goal.
          people decently if you treat       harmony, particularly because      It is an ideal that inspires me

          yourself in that way. We are not   it has been proved that it is      and many others passionately.
          able to give to others what we     the best recipe for the new
          ourselves do not have.             world order. To be clear, I do     Its not too late to save this

          We believe that morality is the    not use the term new world         world if we act now.
          best security of law and the       order to refer to the globalist
          surest pledge of the duration      agenda to enslave the entire

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 23 | JANUARY 2024      27
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