Page 31 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 23
P. 31


          Being voiceless...                 must be at the forefront of        the way he was.

                                             those who care about her.
          Those who used to rule our world                                      Africa is in a lot of mess right
          pulled another compelling trick....  However, concerning the fight    now, and our leaders all seem

                                             for Africa’s true liberation from   to be in some trance or spell,
          First they got people to believe   foreign and local oppressions,     so they cannot speak or act
          their voice didn’t matter then     I think the days of lone voices    even though they see what
          slowly watched as the voices       in the wilderness are over.        is going on. What must we
          fell silent because their owners   The world has become too           do? Collaborate. Get more

          started to believe there was no    complicated and way off-track      voices and hands to put in
          point saying anything.             that single voices can no longer   place that are inevitable for
                                             carry the power and energy         the season and the seasons

          It was an enormous lie. Each       required to “offset the balance”.   that are coming. 2024 is the
          voice is like a roar in the fabric of   We now need a critical mass   beginning of the last seven
          our universes. By staying silent ,   and this critical mass can only   years of this decade and a
          the crooks who ran our world got   work with accurate and selfless    whole lot has been slated for
          US to do THEIR job for THEM by     collaborations.                    2030 by the globalists and

          our silence, and  talking mostly                                      proper collaborations will help
          trivia or in muted, cryptic terms.   Take, for example, the things    Africa prepare adequately for
                                             that happened during the Covid     whatever is coming.

          That’s why we all have to speak    era.
          up. If we don’t, the former rulers   Imagine if the President of      There are things that the
          lies become our worldwide truth -   Madagascar was supported by       government of any African
          Tet Kofi                           the other African leaders, his     country cannot do for their
                                             country’s COVID-19 medicine,       people, either because they

                  he words of Tet Kofi,      which was created and even         have some allegiance with
                  a Ghanaian and former      used locally in Madagascar         some faceless organizations
          TBBC broadcaster in the            against the disease, would         outside the continent or
          UK, resonate with the thoughts     not have been shut down by         because their stomach policies

          I have been having lately about    the falsehood called WHO,          control them. Either way,
          2024 going forward to 2030         which claimed that there was       Africans must now learn to
          and how Africans must come         no official test to determine      create spaces and platforms
          together in collaborations and     the efficacy of the medicine.      for themselves from where

          get their voices heard globally.   Same with the late President       their voices and hands come
                                             Magufuli of Tanzania. If he had    together to make the changes
          There is a whole lot to fight      support from the other African     that we seek on the continent.
          for in this season, and the        leaders about the falsehood

          liberation of Africa from the      of the COVID-19 test, he           Thank you, Tet Kofi, for this
          various setbacks holding her       wouldn’t have been murdered        timely reminder.

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 23 | JANUARY 2024      31
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