Page 26 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 23
P. 26


          in range and possibility. As a     how different people interpret     like a sea on which many ships

          human being you gradually          Ubuntu differently, and how it     sail. It is not a dogma; but a set
          build up a life-world, which,      is compared to other Western       of attitudes to peace, justice
          for you, is your destiny. It is an   philosophies. The book           and equality. It is the light that

          arena where you play out the       attempts to show that Ubuntu       illuminates the entire world.
          struggle of life versus death for   is, indeed, a recipe for world    We need to embrace Ubuntu
          you. The rest of your life-world   order.                             in such a way that when we
          becomes the foreground and                                            see a woman, whether black
          pioneer settlement of your life.   The need to think afresh           or white, we say, “You are

          No person exists in and out        about moral problems is ever       my sister”, and when we see
          of himself/herself. You exist      present and particularly great     a man, whether rich or poor,
          physically only as you are         in a period of rapid economic      whether white or black, we

          immersed in an ocean of            and social change and rapid        say “You are my brother”.
          life-giving air. One exists as     advance in knowledge of            Once we achieve this level,
          a man only because you have        human nature.                      the night would be over and
          participated from the moment                                          the day would have begun to
          of birth in a world of human       In the pages that follow, it is    embark on our journey towards

          beings and culture. You are a      indicated that Ubuntu is an        reaching our destiny.
          self-in-a-world, not just a self.   instrument of peace. Therefore,
          “To be” is not only you and the    to heal the wounds of our          We live in a time of cultural

          world, but it means to co-create   unpalatable and painful history,   disarray and cultural decay:
          a life world. We permeate each     and the world, Ubuntu, it is       an age filled with ruins and
          other; we are present in each      argued here, is one of the best    fragments of morality. Hence,
          other. We influence and form       medicines to use because it        our intellectual landscapes
          each other’s personality. We       is the key to the creation of a    are littered with allegorical

          exude feelings and actions,        better society.                    tales of deterioration rather
          which help determine the                                              than dramative narratives
          feeling tone of our home, our      Through Ubuntu we are              of reconciliation. Our

          class at school, the other person   weaving a cord of destiny - a     spiritual and social “Being”
          with whom we are talking. We       destiny that is beyond the         is benumbed and chilled to
          are constantly offering good       reach of the spirit-forms, and     a state of impotency. Our
          or not-so-good possibilities to    should they (spirit-forms) try     ethics have become fragments
          some situation.                    to ascend to that destiny, they    of moral decay - where the

                                             will break their tiny toes. Once   generation we live in, has
          This book attempts to reveal       we reach that destiny, every       become insensitive to the
          a lot about the origin and         body, friends and foes alike,      presence and flow of the life-

          history of Ubuntu philosophy       will preach it to the world. This   saving element of Ubuntu
          and what other races feel and      philosophy (Ubuntu) is not like    within the communal veins of
          think about it. It further shows   a ship that can sink, but it is    our society. We have thus given

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