Page 34 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 23
P. 34

Health & healing

         masse — usually by the people      eugenics and goal-oriented         The grim truth of the matter

         who should be protecting and       racism which is also the           is this: The whole white race
         caring for them.                   motivating force behind            is exposed, immediately or
                                            the worldwide population           ultimately, to the possibility of

         From its beginning, the            suppression movement:              social sterilization and final
         leadership of the eugenics                                            replacement or absorption by
         movement has been drawn            None of the colored races          the teeming colored races.
         exclusively from influential       shows perceptible signs of
         white elitists.2  And those        declining birth-rate, all tending   For race-betterment is such

         targeted by eugenics measures      to breed up to the limits of       an intensely practical matter!
         have invariably been               available subsistence….            …We or the next generation
         minorities, the poor and the       It can mean only one thing:        will take in hand the problem

         powerless.                         A tremendous and steadily          of race-depreciation, and
                                            augmenting outward thrust          segregation of defectives
         Julian Huxley’s quote above,       of surplus colored men             and abolition of handicaps
         made the year after World          from overcrowded colored           penalizing the better stocks will
         War II ended, shows that the       homelands….But many of these       put an end to our present racial

         eugenicists learned nothing        relatively empty [Northern]        decline.
         from the Nazi horror.  And now     lands have been definitely set
         that we are well into the 21st     aside by the white man as his      Stoddard’s prediction has

         Century, we have witnessed         own special heritage….             unfortunately been fulfilled.
         that absolutely nothing has        His [“colored” man’s]              The Culture of Death in our
         changed.  The eugenic evil         outstanding quality is             time that has eagerly taken
         has been camouflaged and           superabundant animal vitality.     up the task of “abolishing
         perfumed — but it is still as                                         handicaps” with the

         great a danger as it ever was.     In this he easily surpasses all    devastatingly effective weapons
                                            other races.  To it he owes        of amniocentesis, abortion,
         Eugenics and Racism                his intense emotionalism.  To      and infanticide.  And they

                                            it, again, is due his extreme      are targeting other races on a
         In his vividly-titled 1922         fecundity, the negro being the     worldwide scale; two-thirds of
         book The Rising Tide               quickest of breeders.  This        all population control dollars
         of Color against White             abounding vitality shows in        expended by the West over the
         World-Supremacy, eugenicist        many other ways, such as the       past two decades have been

         Lothrop Stoddard described         negro’s ability to survive harsh   directed towards suppressing
         what he considered “the            conditions of slavery under        the populations of African
         root of all our problems.”         which other races have soon        nations.

         He demonstrated beyond a           succumbed….black blood, once
         shadow of reasonable doubt the     entering a human stock, seems      It is interesting to note that
         intimate connection between        never really bred out again….      Stoddard sat on the board of

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