Page 37 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 23
P. 37
Health & healing
bounties for women on welfare. mothers could be implanted available to the impoverished
The measure, Senate Bill 6379, with Norplant for free and young women who produce our
sponsored by Senator Scott perhaps receive increased criminals is very likely the most
Barr, would pay $10,000 to welfare benefits as a reward. important crime-prevention
a woman if she agreed to be He apparently failed to realize measure adopted in this
neutered after her first child, that this was one of the first country in the last 25 years.
and $5,000 if she agreed elements of the coercive
after the second child. The Chinese population program In short, eugenics and racism
bill would also give $500 to that features mandatory are very much alive today,
men who got neutered after sterilization and forced working closely together
fathering a welfare child.16 abortions even in the ninth against minority races and the
month of pregnancy. lower classes.
In a classic example of racist
eugenics, deputy editorial page As one more example, Anthony Final Thoughts
editor Donald Kimelman of the Bouza, a former Minneapolis
Philadelphia Inquirer stated in Police Chief and columnist for The idea of negative eugenics,
an article ominously entitled the Minneapolis Star Tribune, or preventing “lesser” people
“Poverty and Norplant: Can wrote a Mother’s Day editorial from reproducing, is sadly
Contraception Reduce the with the incredibly oxymoronic still at play in modern society,
Underclass?”: title “A Mother’s Day Wish: intimately connected with true
Make Abortion Available to racism.
As we read these two stories All Women.” He described the
[about Norplant and black “at risk” population as “poor, We are witnessing the growth
poverty], we asked ourselves: Black and Indian,” and said of a branch of positive
Dare we mention them in the that their offspring are “marked eugenics that might be called
same breath? To do so might for failure.” Then he went on “self-directed evolution.” This
be considered deplorably to say: mania has lost sight of who
insensitive, perhaps raising we truly are as human beings,
the specter of eugenics. But When abortions are illegal, and of God’s plan for our lives.
it would be worse to avoid poor women deliver and keep We are by now all familiar
drawing the logical conclusion their babies. Then they plunk with transgenderism — but
that foolproof contraception them in front of a TV set, it has gone far beyond that,
could be invaluable in breaking watch them get abused and from trans-racialism, trans-
the cycle of inner city poverty conditioned to violence by speciesism and transablism, to
― one of America’s greatest parades of males, and expose the strangest phenomenon of
challenges. them to all the factors the all, transhumanism. But those
criminologists describe as the are subjects for another article.
Kimelman continued by precursors to a life of crime….
suggesting that welfare Making abortions freely