Page 41 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 23
P. 41

Health & healing

                                             5. Rheumatism and Joint
                                             Lantana camara can be utilised
        Keeping Lantana                      to alleviate the discomfort of

           in your garden                    rheumatism and joint pain.
                                             A tincture can be made by
           can serve as a                    soaking fresh leaves in alcohol

        handy resource for                   for ten days. Take 15–30 drops
                                             of the tincture, diluted in water,
     common emergencies,                     two to three times a day. This

         including wound                     can help reduce inflammation
                                             and ease joint pain.
                                             6. Anti-inflammatory
                                             Lantana camara’s anti-
          3. Fever and Malaria:              inflammatory properties can be
          Lantana camara’s antipyretic       harnessed through a tincture
          properties make it useful for      for various conditions, like
          reducing fever, including          arthritis or inflammatory skin
          that associated with malaria.      conditions. Prepare the tincture
          Prepare a decoction (A             as mentioned above and take
          decoction is a method of           15–30 drops, two to three times
          preparing herbal remedies or       a day, to reduce inflammation.
          traditional medicines by boiling   It’s crucial to exercise caution
          plant materials, such as roots,    when using Lantana camara
          bark, or hard seeds, in water      and ensure that you adhere to
          over a period) from the plant’s    recommended dosages. Consult
          leaves and drink a half-cup to     a healthcare professional,
          one cup at regular intervals       especially if you have
          until the fever subsides.          underlying health issues or are
                                             pregnant or nursing.
          4. Skin Infections and
          Wounds:                            In conclusion, Lantana camara
          Lantana camara’s leaves can        is a treasure trove of medicinal
          be crushed into a paste and        potential. From respiratory
          applied to minor wounds,           ailments to skin issues and
          burns, or skin infections. The     joint pain, this plant offers a
          paste helps prevent infection      natural, traditional approach to
          and promotes healing. Apply        healing. Nature’s remedies are
          as needed, ensuring the wound      powerful, and Lantana camara
          or affected area is clean before   is no exception.
          each application.

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 23 | JANUARY 2024      41
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