Page 39 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 23
P. 39

                                                                                           NATURE TALK Series

         The Healing

         Power Of


                 antana Camara also          choice ensures that your                      Anselm Adodo
                 known as ‘Wild sage’        landscape aligns with your                    Anselm Adodo is the Director of
          Lor ‘Red sage,’ is a               gardening aspirations.                       Africa Centre for Integral Research
          remarkably diverse plant           Lantana leaves and extracts               and Development, Nigeria and founder
          with a wide array of cultivars     have found a place in                         of  Arica’s foremost herbal research
          and varieties available in         traditional medicine as                     Institute, the Pax Herbal Clinic and
          the world of horticulture.         a digestion aid, adept at                   Research Laboratories (Paxherbals).
          These variations encompass a       soothing stomachaches
          spectrum of features, including    and reducing bloating and
          flower colour, size, growth        flatulence. Additionally,
          habits, and more. When             these herbal remedies have         handy resource for common
          considering which Lantana          historically served as an          emergencies, including wound
          variety to introduce to your       external application for wound     dressing.
          garden, think about factors        healing, warding off infections
          such as your local climate,        and accelerating the healing       But Lantana’s potential extends
          garden dimensions, and your        process. Keeping Lantana in        beyond these traditional uses.
          preferred colour palette. This     your garden can serve as a         Scientific research has cast

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 23 | JANUARY 2024      39
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