Page 35 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 23
P. 35

Health & healing

          Margaret Sanger’s American         into the general populace as       services.  If a woman did not

          Birth Control League, and          well.  In 1970, the National       immediately comply, workers
          his book was promoted by           Commission on the Causes           directly threatened her with a
          Sanger’s magazine The Birth        and Prevention of Violence         cutoff of all public assistance

          Control Review.  Stoddard’s        found that “the overwhelming       if she had any more children.
          books won him wide acclaim         majority of White Americans        When black citizens exposed
          in Nazi Germany, and, when         would be ‘good Germans’ if the     this coercion and called it
          he visited that country, he        government turned to massive       “genocide,” the Pittsburgh
          was allowed access to the          racial repression.”6               Antipoverty Board voted

          highest elements of the                                               down funds from the United
          Reich’s hierarchy.  He had         There was ample cause for          States Office of Economic
          cordial meetings with Heinrich     the Commission’s concern,          Opportunity (OEO) that

          Himmler, head of both the          because “racial repression” was    would have continued Planned
          Nazi secret police and the         happening on a wide scale at       Parenthood clinic operations
          Schutzstaffel [SS], with           the time.  Experts testified that   in six of the city’s poorer
          Joachim von Ribbentrop, the        there had already been many        neighborhoods.8  The OEO,
          German Minister of Foreign         cases of outright propaganda       in fact, had actually funded

          Affairs, and with Adolf Hitler     and coercion directed against      thousands of the involuntary
          himself.  He also met with         minorities by governmental and     sterilizations of poor black
          leading Nazi racialists and        quasi-governmental agencies in     women across the South in the

          eugenicists, including Hans        numerous states.                   1940s and 1950s.9
          F.K. Gunther, Eugen Fischer
          and Franz Lenz, and visited        For example, in the 1960s, the     During the same period, the
          their institutions.                Chicago Planned Parenthood         South Carolina and Delaware
                                             Association sponsored birth        legislatures considered laws

          The famous war historian           control “coffee parties” all       that would mandate the
          William L. Shirer noted that       over the black sections of the     sterilization of all welfare
          Stoddard was given preference      city—but none in the white-        mothers after they had borne

          by the German brass because        dominated suburbs.7  In            two children out of wedlock.
          his racist writings were           Pittsburgh, representatives        In New York, municipal judges
          “featured in Nazi school           of federally financed “family      commonly offered women
          textbooks.”5                       planning” programs sent a          the choice of sterilization or a
                                             brigade of “home visitors”         cutoff of welfare benefits.10

          Eugenics and Racism during         and public assistance workers      These laws directly targeted
          the Civil Rights Movement          to the homes of thousands          black women.
                                             of black women in order to

          The eugenics mentality is          convince them to make use          These racist programs did
          not only prevalent among the       of family planning clinic          not escape the notice of civil
          elite, it is steadily spreading                                       rights activists.  Dr. Constance

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