Page 36 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 23
P. 36

Health & healing

          Cemeteries for Preborn Babies                                         children and heavily penalize

                                                                                others (i.e. minorities and those
                                                                                with “dysfunctional genes.”14

                                                                                Perhaps not surprisingly,
                                                                                the omnipresent population
                                                                                controller Garrett Hardin
                                                                                weighed in with his eugenicist
                                                                                views in the June 1992 issue of
          Redbird Uri testified before       did not die in a bunker with       Omni Magazine:
          her state legislature, “What is    Adolf Hitler in 1945.  Many of

          family planning for Indians?       the world’s most distinguished     It would be better to encourage
          The highest priority is abortion.    and influential scholars and     the breeding of more intelligent
          We have been controlled by         social engineers still advocate    people rather than the less

          your government for 200 years      the widespread use of eugenics     intelligent.  ZPG’s [Zero
          now, but you have another          to rid society of its ever-present   Population Growth, now
          weapon [abortion].  We often       “undesirable elements.”            Population Connection] entire
          doubt whether we will be                                              attraction has been among
          here in another 200 years.”11      Two-time Nobel Prize               the college population.  So in

          And Raoul Silva testified,         winner Linus Pauling has           effect, ZPG is encouraging
          “California is waging a war        suggested that those who carry     college-educated people to
          of genocide against Blacks,        “dysfunctional genes” have         have fewer children instead of

          Latins, and Indians.  They offer   information on their disabilities   encouraging reduced fertility
          abortions to minority women        tattooed in code onto their        among the less intelligent.
          who don’t even ask ― and           foreheads.13  And renowned
          they get teenage girls to decide   biologist John Maynard Smith       A Washington state doctor,
          for abortion before they’re        would like to give tax breaks      Bruce Tracy, urged the state

          pregnant.  That’s how they         and bonuses to the educated        Senate to provide sterilization
          play the genocide game in Los      and intelligent who have
          Angeles County.”

          Racist Eugenics Live On

          The corrupt and racist theory of                                                               Abortion
          eugenics, which seeks to create                                                                has killed a
          a “race of thoroughbreds”                                                                      more than
          through birth control, abortion,                                                               that of  these
          and sterilization (without                                                                     18 states.

          consent, if necessary) certainly

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