Page 100 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 4
P. 100

FEATURES                                                                                                                                                                                                              FEATURES

                                                                                      "To inhale is to live
                                                                                    while to exhale is to
                                                                                      die. No one knows
                                                                                     which of these two
                                                                                         one will do next,
                                                                                     therefore one must
                                                                                   live prepared in God.


        SIMPLE: Learn to breathe

         Samuel Phillips

                 o inhale is to live while   yeah, life and death are pretty   its setbacks. Ranging  from too
                 to exhale is to die. No   deep.                              much noise, air pollution from
                 one  knows  which  of     In a very simple form, it appears   machines,  too much unnatu-
        Tthese two  one  will do           to me that often times we are so   ral light which creates so much
        next,  therefore one must  live    caught up with lots of activities   electrical energy around, a vast
        prepared in God.                   that we forget how to breathe. I   atmosphere  of  conflicting  elec-
        This statement crept into my       am not saying this like you will   tromagnetic waves coming  from
        thoughts a while  ago while  I     hear someone  say to breathe       so many communication  devic-
        was preparing  for this issue  of   when in some form of emotional    es and the many other emo-
        the magazine. I can’t tell per se,   stress. I literally mean we forget   tional  conflicts  that  arise  from
        if I got it from somewhere or if   how good fresh air, sea breeze,    competition  to achieve  and the
        they came to me as fresh words,    forest air smells or feels like on   pain of wanting to conform to
        but in any case I loved them in-   the skin. It  is very therapeutic   what one sees.  In fact, city life
        stantly because  it sounded po-    and healing. And this is not just   makes you measure yourself by
        etic to me. I realized how deep    about some ancient  Afrikan or     the everyday standards  of oth-
        the statement was the moment       Asian  theory,  it’s  scientifically   ers. It has its bit of goodness if
        I  stopped to pay attention.  At   proven and I  will share a few     well managed, in that it creates
        first it sounded like just a poet-  words from someone we inter-      competition for innovation  and
        ic phrase that speaks of natural   viewed some time ago.              excellence, but only if the com-
        death or the absence of life or    City life is good for whatever     petition  is healthy. But overall,
        the end of life as we know it. But   it is good for, with all its hustle   there  is no wisdom  in  measur-
        I think it’s a little bit simpler than   and bustle to achieve set goals   ing oneself with others.  You are
        that.  Not complex at  all.  And   and stuff. But it also comes with   simply you and they are simply

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