Page 96 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 4
P. 96

FEATURES                                                                                                                                                                                                              FEATURES

          “world powers” at the door step    of  worthlessness,  poverty,  for-  going to have South Africa/Rus-
          of Afrika looking for a space in   eign aid, war, violence, terrorism   sia Economic Summit  in Cape
          our land, while Afrika is still be-  etc, make a loud noise about it   Town? Summits  where  Afrika
          ing considered poor?  You think    in the globalist controlled media,   dictates the terms and condi-
          about that for a moment. I find it   create make believe life stories   tions of the deals. Why should it
          senseless that while our Afrikan   to back up the propaganda of       always be leaders of Afrikan na-
          leaders are running after the ta-  how backward Afrika is and our     tions gathering at some summit
          ble of  the west  and of  Europe,   unthinking leaders fall for the “di-  in Europe to beg for loans when
          they are leaving unmanned their    amond for mirror” narrative and    a large portion of the funds were
          own table back home and the        the next thing is, they are queu-  taken from the same Afrika un-
          foreign powers are simply doing    ing in Europe, China, America,     der the very watch of the Afrikan
          what they know how to do best -    Japan looking for loans to fund    leaders.
          stealing from the very Afrika that   their make believe  develop-     Our educational  system for me
          the Afrikans themselves under-     ments which don’t come close to    was programmed to  create  big
          mine.                              the ancient wisdom, knowledge      headed  but weak hearted  Af-
          The breaking of Afrika into small   and development the ancient       rikan  graduates. How  can we
          units in  the  nineteenth century   forefathers of Afrika had. I long   say that after many decades of
          caused by the scramble for Afri-   for the day God will raise true Af-  churning  out millions  of gradu-
          ka began with a simple ideology    rikan leaders who are not afraid   ates from our universities,  we
          and which I believe is still being   to see the lies and deceptions   still can’t build roads, bridges,
          used right now but much more       of foreign powers for what they    dams, stadia without the input of
          subtly due to the advent of social   are and then do something ac-    Chinese,  German construction
          media  and mainstream  media       curate with the true wealth Afrika   companies? Should we not close
          which have become weapons of       already has.                       down all the universities in Afrika
          mind control and culture shifts.                                      if they are not producing  what
          Back then they simply created                                         Afrika needs at this critical time?
                                             Unite and Conquer
          political  and  economic  propa-                                      We certainly do not need more
                                             Anyone can think what they want
          ganda that says that anything                                         big headed Harvard trained per-
          Afrikan is worthless, and our      to think and anyone can have an    sons who are servants to those
          forefathers believed it, lived out   opinion of whatever they want to   who taught them, but more big
                                             have, but the direction that Af-
          the realities of it and in no time,                                   hearted  men who love this con-
                                             rika is going towards as it con-
          the  very  things  that  were  con-                                   tinent as themselves and are
                                             cerns foreign loans for develop-
          sidered worthless became the                                          not afraid to give it all it takes to
          gold and treasures that built the   ment, which  is adding  nothing   bring Afrika to where she needs
          nations of the West and Europe.    but huge debts to the already      to be.
                                             stressed Afrikan economy, is not
          How mindless is it to think that
                                             good at all. The early partitioners
          our forefathers exchanged gold                                        As God would have it, on the
                                             of  Afrika used divide  and con-
          and diamonds  for worthless                                           same day I was writing this ar-
          mirrors? It’s strange indeed but   quer, but the new ones of today    ticle, one of my sisters sent me
          the story has not changed after    are using unite and conquer. For   a photo which captured the con-
                                             as long as the only time Afrikan
          many years.  For right now, our                                       tent of an article written by a Ni-
                                             leaders are united is when they
          master’s degree  and  PhD Afri-                                       gerian in diaspora called Prince-
                                             meet at the table of greed set up
          kan leaders are still giving out                                      Will Odidi.  The piece resonates
          their “gold and diamonds” for      by China, Russia, America, Ja-     directly with what I  was writing
          worthless “mirrors of European     pan for loans and stuff, no good   so I will include it here.
                                             will come out of the weak Afrikan
          and Western acceptance to the
                                             Union.  The question I  ask my-
          table of  foreign nations", which                                     “We had the China-Africa
                                             self is this, when are we going
          is not a table of equal wealth dis-                                   summit, we had the India-Af-
          tribution but a table to Unite and   to have Rwanda/America Eco-      rica summit, we had the
          Conquer Afrika. Concerning Af-     nomic summit in Kigali, Rwan-      Russia-Africa summit.  In  all
                                             da?  When are we going to have
          rika, they simply just do the very                                    meetings  African leaders left
                                             Kenya/China Economic Summit
          same thing our forefathers fell                                       everything they were doing at
                                             in Nairobi, Kenya? When are we
          for. Make the African story reek                                      home  to  answer yes Sir  to  a

          96   |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika                                                                                                           heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    97
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