Page 99 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 4
P. 99

FEATURES                                                                                              FEATURES

          a little crowded and loud, but     ing trees in Karura. In early ’99,
          there’s enough space in there      she and a group of supporters
          for you to find some solace        tried to access the forest and
          in silence, should you need        were attacked and injured by
          some. Kenya Forest Service         the men who had been appoint-
          and Friends of Karura Forest       ed to guard the site of a future
          have worked hard to transform      golf course there. The police
          the environment into a safe and    refused to do anything about
          secure one, allowing you quiet     it, but the incident had been
          reflective time alone. If you      captured on film and attract-
          need a really good workout, you    ed international attention and
          will find a wide variety of terrain,   triggered about eight months
          suitable to your cross-country     of student protests which were     website, one is walking down
          trek, ride or run.                 quelled using violence. Despite    pathways of history, of victory,
          The most enduring facet of         their best efforts to the contrary,   hard fought. One is sitting on
          Karura Forest in Nairobi, is not   the government retreated, but      green lawns made possible by
          its leafy green canopies and       2 years later, they backtracked    great personal sacrifice and
          wide open spaces for picnick-      and began reallocations of for-    fearless devotion that – in the
          ing, nor is it the waterfall or the   est land, sparking more protests   era of the former President Moi
          caves or the bats, nor is it the   and multiple arrests of this bold   – could so easily have become
          massive old trees, quite hum-      and courageous lady.               something else. One is look-
          bling in their stature… but it’s   The end of 2002 saw a new          ing at the determination of one
          that Karura Forest stands as a     regime sworn in under Mwai         woman, the late Prof. Wangari
          living monument to overcoming      Kibaki. Maathai joined the gov-    Maathai, who said, “No.” at a
          oppression, bullies and greed      ernment as Assistant Minister      time when it was not ‘good’ for
          in Afrika. It is impossible to visit   for Environment and Natural    one’s personal health to defy
          Karura Forest without meditat-     Resources. In the face of the      those in leadership. Karura is
          ing on the price that one woman    looming changes that the Kibaki    a bold and living testament of
          paid to ensure its survival.       government was going to make       victory, in a world that – sadly
          Nobel Laureate, Professor          concerning illicit land alloca-    – loves the idea of overcoming,
          Wangari Maathai was one            tions, developers started to       rather than the price they would
          fearless lioness when it came to   drop their claims to allotments    have to pay.
          the fight against injustice. Many   in Karura Forest. The land had    So sip your cool drink after your
          know her for her work in the       been saved.                        quiet jog down wide earthen
          environment, but she was ac-       Now, when one walks through        paths all you like – but consid-
          tive and vocal on a wide variety   what has been called ‘one of       er that a woman stood in the
          of issues of social and political   the largest urban gazetted        face of bulldozers and one of
          nature that were affecting Ken-    forests in the world’ according    the most terrifying presidents
          ya in her day. In a very difficult   to the Kenya Forest Service      in Afrika at the time, in order to
          political environment, Professor                                      allow you and your generations
          Maathai was radical in her be-                                        to come and enjoy quiet pas-
          liefs and fervent in their pursuit,                                   sage through. And ask yourself
          and the fruit is well known.                                          this one thing… if it was you
          One of her most famous battles                                        who was called upon to stand
          involved the protection of this                                       up for your generation and your
          same Karura Forest. In 1998,                                          nation, and for Afrika, would
          she found out that the Moi led                                        you? Will you?
          government was planning to
          take over huge swathes of pub-                                       “He Who Plants Trees,
          lic land in the forest and distrib-                                  Extends Life On Earth.”
          ute these to their supporters for                                    -Samuel Phillips
          private gain. She protested this
          in writing and in action by plant-

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