Page 94 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 4
P. 94

FEATURES                                                                                                                                                                                                              FEATURES

          department  of agriculture  told   who  could  see the vision         The answer is quite obviously,
          Brian that his plan would never    and fruitfulness since Brian’s     no.  God neither ploughs  the
          work, as 10 years prior  to this   management changes.                soil  nor destroys the beautiful
          some US based  agronomists         God’s garden  was a highly         blanket of  mulch, which  we
          had approached and taught          productive rainforest which was    refer to as God’s Blanket. So
          the Zimbabwean  agricultural       in need  of nothing  and  was      why do we ‘lean  on our own
          authorities  about conservation    capable of  succeeding even in     understanding’ and not trust  in
          farming, but due to their          drought years and never slowed     the way He has shown us how
          halfhearted  attempts with the     or lost its productivity. The trees   to farm?
          technological  concepts, they      never lose their leaves or wilt.   The wonderful successes on
          had failed. Under Brian’s faithful   They keep on producing flowers,   Hinton Estate  stood out in dire
          stewardship,  Hinton’s Farming     fruits and seeds and are able to   contrast to the poverty of the
          God's Way area increased           carry vast numbers and diversity   adjoining communal farmers who
          annually,  with their experience   of animal species.  The Father     were practicing conventional
          growing until the  whole farm      and  Creator put mechanisms        tillage.  They suffered from
          was converted over a 5 year        in place which would allow the     poor  yields  and  crop  failures
          time period from 2ha in year one   fauna, flora and soil to co-exist,   during dry seasons, with severe
          to 1000ha in year five.            with high levels of productivity,   sheet and gully erosion being
          When the Lord had revealed His     no environmental degradation,      the norm. God began  to stir a
          truths about the technology, they   little or no erosion and a high   deep desire in Brian’s  heart  to
          had no machinery to do anything    buffering ability to  withstand    transfer Farming  God’s Way
          like what they saw God do in       all the  negative parameters  of   practises to  these communal
          creation. Instead of giving up,    harsh climates. “Caring for  the   farmers.   After making  various
          they worked with what God had      garden” is a part of all sufficiency   efforts, Brian  established  a
          put in their hands, hoes. At their   in God. When a garden is being   large commercial farm, Agriway
          peak manual planting level they    worked and cared for  in God’s     Community Church and Farm,
          were farming 650 ha of cropped     Way, it will never be in a state of   with the purpose of training the
          land area with 1,100 labourers     decline nor crop failure.          poor. Small scale farmers, were
          at planting time.  This was an     The laws that God put in place in   allocated 1 ha,  2 ha and 5 ha
          incredible   commitment     and    creation for the most productive   plots depending on their level of
          required  a lot of faith, but they   ecosystems in the world include   expertise and faithfulness, many
          persevered  and  succeeded.        little or no soil disturbance,  no   are still successful farmers
          Later on, with the farm making     destruction   or  incorporation    today.
          such  incredible  profits,  they   of  decomposing mulch and a        By   2009,    Farming    God's
          were able to purchase imported     significant  biodiversity.  These   Way had gone into  Angola,
          large  scale  machinery  such as   are the laws which allow  the      Benin,  DRC, Ethiopia,  Kenya,
          no-till drills. However, Brian still   working and careful watching   Lesotho,  Madagascar, Malawi,
          testifies to the highest yields ever   over His handiwork in creation.   Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria,
          recorded as being under a hand     He knows best and we should        Rwanda,  Sierra Leone, South
          planted, rather than machine       be doing what  we have been        Africa,  Swaziland,  Tanzania,
          planted  technique, because of     shown  by our Father, following    Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe and
          the precision in seed placement    what we see Him do in creation     others to varying degrees within
          and covering operations.           as closely as we can  and          Africa, whilst also touching into
          Neighbouring  farmers, whose       to  simulate His laws in an        Mexico, Nepal,  British Guyana,
          farms were in the same steady      agricultural environment, where    USA, UK and others.
          state  of  decline  in  profitability   there are high demands and    Source material: Farming God’s
          as Hinton Estate had been,         pressures. Therefore practically   Way Trainer’s Reference Guide.
          refused to listen to Brian’s       speaking,  in the forests, has     Dryden, G.W., 2009.
          encouragement  to change to        anyone seen God ploughing the
          doing  things God’s way and        soil He created? Or has anyone
          many ended up going bankrupt       seen God destroying this mulch
          and the farms were then bought     cover through burning, removal
          up by the Hinton Estate trustees   or incorporating it mechanically?

          94   |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika                                                                                                           heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    95
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