Page 92 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 4
P. 92
Humility of a bondservant, and coming sat down at the right hand of the
Humility as a learned human in the likeness of men. And throne of God. (Hebrews 12: 2
character trait is not some being found in appearance as a Emphasis Mine) Meaning that
sanctimonious, holier-than-thou, man, He humbled Himself and when a man truly understands
religious act of gentleness or became obedient to the point humility as a laid down life
whatever other forms falseness of death, even the death of the for Christ and not some self-
comes in. And neither is it some cross. Therefore God also has degradation to expectations of
form of self-degradation which highly exalted Him and given others, he walks tall even in the
puts one-self down just to be Him the name which is above midst of hardship and negative
acceptable in the eyes of others. every name, that at the name circumstances of life.
Humility certainly has the of Jesus every knee should bow,
character of the laid-down life, of those in heaven, and of those The reward of humility
not to impress people but for the on earth, and of those under the Therefore humble yourselves
articulation and expression of earth, and that every tongue under the mighty hand of God,
that which is not seen but which should confess that Jesus Christ that He may exalt you in due
is given of God as a path of faith. is Lord, to the glory of God the time,1Peter 5:6 (NKJV)
Humility is simply taking a stand Father.” Philippians 2:5-11 There is an exaltation that
by embracing who or whatever (NKJV) comes with embracing the
God calls you without any This picture of the Christ learning suffering of Christ in humility. It
apologies to whoever doesn’t humility in order to carry out his is a reward that Christ will give
like it. Period! Humility is not assignment is the exact way everyone who overcomes the
naturally an endowment of the God deals with every one of pride of this life, who embraces
fallen man, he is not born with us if we are open to recognize humility as a character trait and
it, it is what he must learn on his His dealings. The life that Jesus who is not afraid to follow to the
journey on earth. That he learns lived on the earth was beyond end. This reward is captured in
it is completely dependent on Him just coming to die for our these words of the Lord “To him
no one else but him. God can sins, but also about Him coming who overcomes I will grant to sit
help a man come to the place to show us how to live on earth with Me on My throne, as I also
of learning humility, by creating with accurate response to God overcame and sat down with
situations around him, but the Father. This is where humility My Father on His throne.” Rev
humility is not one of the gifts of happens to us, in that we are 3:21(NKJV)
the Spirit that one is given. It must confined to the mind of God for So as you deal with life each day
be acquired through submission our lives and with a knowing while doing whatever is required
to God. Humility as a character that without Him we have no of you for each day, do not
trait is that pattern of submission way of articulating that mind or forget that accurate response
one makes towards God as a how to live out His expectations. to God is what creates humility
response to what He says we are Meaning that when God shows and not people pleasing or self-
in Him or what He showed us. It us who we are and the journey degradation. And also remember
is more of a dependency on God that will lead us to the fulfillment that the reward for humility is a
in the course of becoming what of that which He showed us, place in and with Christ.
He says we are, knowing that He knows that we can’t make it
the magnitude of what He says there by ourselves, so He gives
we are or that He is showing us us what to constantly look into
cannot be achieved by our own the future for, which is the Joy character trait is “
Humility as a
works and strength. According (Christ) set on high even as we
to the pattern of Christ we are bear the weight of our cross of
admonished thus: self-denial. This also is captured
“ Let this mind be in you which in these words written about that pattern of
was also in Christ Jesus, who, Jesus “looking unto Jesus, the
being in the form of God, did not author and finisher of our faith, submission one
consider it robbery to be equal who for the joy that was set
with God, but made Himself of before Him endured the cross, makes towards
no reputation, taking the form despising the shame, and has
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