Page 90 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 4
P. 90

         HEALTH &  WELLNESS                                                                                                                                                                                          HEALTH &  WELLNESS

        Dates                   Walnut                 Almond               Macadamia            Sultana
        Said to be a good source   Said to  be great for  brain   Large amounts  of  fats   Said to  have positive   Made from green seed-
        of energy, fiber, sugar, vi-  health, loaded with omega   and  moderate  amounts   benefits for cardiovascu-  less grapes. Have fiber,
        tamins and  minerals and   6, lowers blood pressure,   of proteins and carbohy-  lar issues and is low in   potassium, sugar and
        to  be  beneficial  to  the   blood glucose and reduces   drates. Highest omega 6   omega 6 in case you’re   antioxidants. Can im-
        brain, eyes, heart, provide   risk of diabetes.  to omega 3 ratio among   working  on  balanc-  prove digestive  health,
        a boost of iron and aid in                     the nuts. Eat in modera-  ing your omegas.  Low   blood  sugar levels, re-
        digestion…  among  other                       tion, it has qualities that   carbs, low proteins  not   duce  inflammation  and
        things. Consume in mod-                        may block absorption of   very loaded with nutri-  blood pressure.
        eration.                                       nutrients.           ents.
         General Benefits of Nuts and Dried Fruits
         Did you know nuts are actually fruits? They’re described as hard-shelled dry fruits or seeds with a rind or hard shell
         that can separate from the kernel. Nuts – in addition to tasting great – reportedly also balance cholesterol, increase
         heart health, boost immunity, help in weight loss, balance blood pressure, skin health, cognitive function and help pro-
         tect against viral and fungal infections, to name but a few benefits. They are a very handy snack and combined with
         dried fruit can give you a much needed energy and nutritional kick when managed carefully.
         Dried fruits are rich in flavor, vitamins, minerals fiber and sugar. So while great for boosting energy, they can also
         cause you to gain weight so you have to watch your portions. Dried fruits are a lot smaller in size than fresh fruits so
         don’t let your eyes fool you into serving more than you need.

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