Page 95 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 4
P. 95
The new scramble for Afrika?
He treats his people like slaves
and forgets the slum where he
Divide and conquer worked like “magic” was picked from and when his
with our forefatherS... should the grand- people tell him of his bad choic-
sons of those who colonized our fore- es, he uses the twisted laws
fathers now rule over us again through and charges them with treason.
“Unite and Conquer”? God forbid! But that in itself is foolishness,
for nothing lasts forever. And he
who thinks anything lasts for-
If it is anything to go by, cer- the chase after corruption that is ever has not really understood
tainly, Afrika and Afrikans are basically meaningless. I say the
what life is.
not living their best lives due chase after corruption is mean-
to many factors not coming to- ingless because it’s absolutely Afrika is not and will never be
gether. The purpose of Afrika as nonsense to say you are fight- considered poor. Not in this life-
a cradle of humanity and from ing corruption when you your- time and not in the next. Why is
which life, wisdom and ancient self are the king over the empire
that? Because she is blessed
knowledge emanates, is still be- which the gains from corruption
by the very hand of God that
ing undermined by both foreign built. How sick is it that men de- made all things before we ever
powers and most importantly, ceive themselves in the name came here. And concerning be-
Afrikan leaders themselves. It of being leaders and then think ing tagged “poor continent” or
makes me wonder what is really all other men are foolish. It’s in
“third world continent" Why is
wrong with our Afrikan leaders Afrika a common man who was
every government of the world
who can’t seem to think things raised to the position of leader- looking for a space at the Afri-
through for themselves over ship by the votes of citizens like kan table if really she is poor?
anything concerning their na- himself suddenly becomes a Should there be a long queue of
tions except when it comes to god when he gets into position.
94 | heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 95