Page 97 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 4
P. 97

FEATURES                                                                                              FEATURES

          single  foreign  government. A     we remain mentally married to      uncontaminated food we will eat
          total of 54 African Presidents     the idea that  nothing can get     tomorrow.  It  is  painful to  know
          all attended less 6. You will not   moving without external finance.   that the very system of Europe
          find even this number of Afri-     We are even begging for things     and the West or Asia that Afrika
          can leaders attending  UN or       we already have. That is abso-     is rushing to emulate is already
          African Union  meetings,  but      lutely a failure of mindset.”      dying  and will  soon be com-
          when Russia, China and India                                          pletely  gone.  The governments
          called, they all answered. In      A change of Mindset                of these foreign nations know
          droves as sheep to a slaugh-                                          the many  issues  in  their  lands
          ter house.                         Almost every day and every-        but cover them all up with fan-
                                             where you hear the news of an-
          They give us aid and turned                                           tasies and  vain pursuits.  They
                                             other tech company opened  up
          around to determine our eco-                                          know how depleted they are
                                             somewhere in Afrika.  A new tech
          nomic policies, determine the                                         and how weak and dead  their
          value of our currencies, tell      hub, a new mega funding  for       system is. They all are running
          us how to vote in internation-     some technological innovations,    to Afrika to create a sustainable
                                             launching of an app or anything
          al  meetings,  turn  around  to                                       source for their future while Afri-
                                             to do with technology  and the
          heap  on  us  loans  that  cages                                      ka in whose land the source is,
                                             gist has been the same for a
          us in a new form of colonial-                                         is on a begging spree at the ta-
          ism and perpetual economic         while now. Technology is good,     ble of lies and deceit. Let Afrika
          slavery. When will Africa grow     but  I  do have my  reservations   learn wisdom from her past and
                                             about the usage and how it af-
          up? It is not every time a man                                        by that, let her prepare  for the
                                             fects our future and the future of
          gives you a gift that you must                                        immediate future.
                                             our planet. I hear and read about
          collect. Why must we contin-
          ue to be recipients of aid and     these technological  innovations
          public goodwill? This African      and then wonder if we are really
                                             watching into  the future to see
          leadership that represents the
                                             what awaits us? Because for
          final  vestiges  of  colonialism   every new technology we create   ...And yet, we remain mentally
          must go.  We need  a genera-       today, something in our way of  married to the idea that noth-
          tion  of new  African leaders.                                       ing  can  get  moving  without
          We  need  leaders that  will       life has been knocked out in the
                                             nearest future. You may choose    external finance. We are even
          be brave enough  to have a
                                             to believe or not believe. But cer-  begging for things we already
          choice. A  land  with  so  much
                                             tainly, you don’t need a prophet
          natural resources from gold                                          have. That is absolutely a
          to diamonds to crud[e] oil yet     to tell you that the more of artifi-  failure  of mindset  - President
          we always collecting  aid and      cial intelligence we create today,   Paul Kagame of Rwanda.
                                             the more unemployment for hu-
          bowing  to foreign interest.
                                             mans in the nearest future. The
          Why cant we see beyond the
                                             more GMO food we allow today,
          veil? We produce what we do
          not consume and consume so         the more humans with weak and         WHAT MUST WE DO
          much of secondary goods we         dying  immune systems, riddled      We must change our minds about how we
                                             with all manner  of  disease we
          cannot produce. When will Af-                                          deal  with the Afrikan  narrative.  The way
                                             will have tomorrow. The more of
          rica grow up? Africa my Afri-                                          forward is not hate but love for the Afrikan
                                             poisoned vaccinations we allow      brotherhood.
          ca!”   Princewill Odidi
                                             in our children  today, the more
                                             of weak minded and brain dam-       We must go back to revive our indigenous
          Also included  is a statement                                          Afrikan knowledge, medicine, philosophy,
                                             aged adults we are creating for
          from President Paul kagame, it                                         family patterns, brotherhood etc before it’s
                                             tomorrow. For while  men laud
          says:                                                                  too late to turn back time.
                                             the various technological ad-
          “I  would rather argue, that  we                                       Capitalism is a disease and a killer of men
          need to mobilize the right mind-   vancements, we must not forget      and society. It’s not our culture and never
          sets,  rather  than more funding.   that there is a God who promis-    will be. There is a true Afrokonomics that
                                             es to destroy those who destroy
          After all, in Africa, we have ev-                                      is based on truth, love and the principle of
                                             the earth. (See Rev 11:18) For      Ubuntu which states that “I am because
          erything we need, in real terms.
                                             as everyone is running towards      you are”. We must return to being Afrikans
          Whatever is lacking, we have                                           and not slaves to the avaricious and capi-
          the means to acquire. And yet,     building  apps  and all forms  of   talist tendencies of the colonizers.
                                             technology,  who is planting  the

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