Page 10 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 10


          CAUGHT IN BETWEEN                                                     Afrika. He loves the uncorrupted

                                                                                Afrikan spirituality and the pure
          TWO DREAMS                                                            connection  to cosmic energies
                                                                                that  created  such mystique
                                                                                about  his  forefathers. He loves
          CAN  AFRIKA WAKE UP TO A NOW REALITY?                                 the sound and the picture it all

                                                                                paints. And like a child who was
                                                                                told of how great a warrior his
                                             However, this article is not
         I                                   about the American dream, but      dead father was, he won't stop
               words of someone who was
                                                                                talking about it to anyone who
               talking about the American
                                             it’s about the Afrikan dream. To
               dream. He said something
                                                                                He even bullies them with the
          like: the American dream is only   be honest, and quite frankly,  I   cares or does not care to listen.
                                             think the average Afrikan is also
          a dream because those caught       caught  in  some form of dream     story if they don't seem to pay
          in it are actually sleeping.  I com-  state that either he wishes not   enough attention to  him, mak-
          pletely agree and because I love   to wake up from or he is just so   ing enemies of those who think
          things or words that make me       dead asleep that he is not aware   contrary to what he believes.
          think and these words certainly    that he needs some kind of wak-    In comparing those days to the
          got me thinking, I could not but   ing up.                            days in which he now finds him-
          connect  it back to my home  in    The Afrikan man is caught in be-   self, he longs to go back to the
          Afrika. I do not think there is any   tween two dream states. He is   days of his forefathers. What a
          other nation  or people  in the    caught in the dream of the juicy,   loyal and lovely son he tries to
          world caught up in such a chas-    glorious past of his forefathers;   make everyone  believe  that he
          ing after futility and pseudo-life-  the reality of the grandiose tech-  is.  But  the  reality is  that,  that
          styles than America and Ameri-     nology  and  human  mind-power     which he so longs to go back to,
          cans. Oh my goodness, they just    that it took to build the pyramids   has also become a dream state
          can't get enough of it and it has   of Egypt, the magnificent Sphinx   from which he needs to wake up
          become a stench to the spirit of   and the other grand architectural   from somehow. For those days
          morality and humanity.             masterpieces scattered all over    are gone and will never return.

          10        |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika                          HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY
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