Page 14 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 14
Afrikans: Welcome Home!
Chioma Phillips
onald J. Trump contin- pended all work visas and per- their immigration status was a
ues to play his vital role mits, until the end of the year tenuous one at best for the past
in re-jigging the United and all those who hold such doc- three and a half years. Why am
DStates of America’s econ- uments are now unsure of their I taking this tack? Because we
omy as well as the entire global future. Secondly, his adminis- have to kill the culture of blame
economy and society. The man tration has suspended immigra- and finger pointing. The way
goes against every convention tion into the US for everyone, this world is currently structure,
that people have set in place, except those deemed useful for if you are in a land other than
defying and overturning what Covid-19 support, as well as rel- that of your birth and if you do
has been said to be common- atives of US citizens and mem- not have citizenship papers,
place, acceptable norms and he bers of the military. This is not a then it means that you are not
has done it in brilliant style. You comfortable situation for anyone at home. The rules of the land
cannot fault the man for his con- who fits into the categories that you are visiting do not favor you.
sistency. From the get-go he set have been excluded from active Sadly enough, this also applies
his face to rebuild the economy participation in the American to Afrikans living within any Af-
of the United States of America economy, particularly people for rikan country that is not their
and despite mainstream media’s those who had long-term plans birth country. The land does not
attempts to conceal the results to build themselves up in the need you beyond what benefit
he has achieved, he actually has US, those who have loan repay- you can give to it. If that benefit
succeeded and no matter what ments to make or dependants is not outstanding and spectac-
they have plotted with Covid-19, who are with them in America ular, then you know you can be
he will get the economy of Amer- or back home, wherever they escorted off the land at any time.
ica back on track. That is his vi- came from. Fear and anxiety This just has to be stated very
sion and his singular pursuit. are on the increase and these clearly so that we do not start off
And he does this for American two destabilizing influences are along the lines of victimhood or
citizens. Love him or hate him, likely to produce emotional and blame. Donald Trump is not be-
the man has a dream he has set social reactions in people that holden to you if you are not a cit-
out to achieve and his focus is may not be beneficial. izen of his country. It’s 2020, it’s
commendable in that regard. So, let’s talk candidly. Kindly try time for us to chew some meat
For all those, Afrikans included, to stick with me until the end, with bones regarding to how we
who fall under the category of without getting upset. Please. face our lives now. Therefore,
immigrants (undocumented or It is now 2020. Donald Trump optimism aside, all non-citizens
otherwise), whose papers are has been in power for three have had 3 ½ years to plan their
temporary, who are not citizens and a half years and his posi- next steps. Now the chickens
of America, this presidency has tion has been very clear from have come home to roost. It is
been a time of stress and uncer- the beginning, his support is not a time to point fingers at a
tainty with regard to their own for Americans. This means that man who is facing his country
place in the society. Recently, all those who are not American to deal with his issues, domes-
the Trump administration sus- citizens have been aware that tic and international. Leave the
14 | heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY