Page 15 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 15


          man be and face yourself and       ing studied  the lands  beyond     people who will help to lift each
          your own country.                  her boundaries, understood the     other up. Not in arrogance or su-
          To my beloved Afrikan family in    peoples and nations there, along   periority of attitude, but in love.
          the  Diaspora,  specifically  the   with their  ways. For more than   For what was shown was that
          US, it’s time to come home. It is   ten years I have known that the   those is that those in the West
          evident that the bed of roses that   Spirit of the Lord had sent out a   do not wish Afrika well and they
          the US was for you, is now a bed   summons in the spirit to the true   have indeed plotted her demise
          of thorns. Yes, Afrika may not be   sons and daughters of Afrika to   that they may take her spoils for
          all  that you think  that it should   return and to  rebuild her.  That   themselves, but it will not come
          be, but here at least you have     they were to return in order to    to pass as they desire, for God
          some rights and some room to       gather her out of the dust heap    has already gone ahead to se-
          breathe and to build.              and ash pile that the world has    cure our destiny as a people.
          Think about it from this perspec-  relegated her to, as though she    Not in the hands of corrupt lead-
          tive, when Joseph was sent to      is useless, even though she        ership who compromise and sell
          Egypt – initially as a slave – he   birthed  the whole  world.  Some   Afrika’s inheritance to strangers,
          was going both  physically  and    heard and heeded this call and     but in the hands of Afrika’s true
          spiritually  to prepare  a place   have  returned  over the years,    sons who understand that with-
          for Israel to be incubated in. He   while  the rest are enjoying  the   out her, the world is in serious
          did his time there, made way for   leeks  and  onions  of the land    trouble. Because of the word of
          his family, who joined him. They   that they have claimed as their    God, as it was in the beginning,
          grew and prospered in the land     home.                              so it is even in this last day, that
          of Egypt. Joseph then died and     But,  as Samuel Phillips has       Afrika is the source of life for all
          Israel  continued  to flourish  and   shared in some of his writings,   of mankind.
          grow, until a Pharaoh arose who    this is the age of the Black Afri-  So, consider that your trials and
          knew  neither of Joseph  nor of    kan. The age of Afrika’s slavery   sufferings in that foreign land
          the deal that had been struck for   is over, the age of her exploita-  are not intended to cause you to
          him and the Israelites by his pre-  tion is over and – at last – the age   hate the hand of the one that has
          decessor. This Pharaoh became      of her arising has come. The Af-   been used to stir these things,
          the bane of their existence in the   rika that was intended to be the   but rather to understand that the
          land.  But the question  is why.   “arrowhead of all things spiritual   Divine clock in the hands of God
          Yes, the Pharaoh was wicked to     and of all mental creativity on    is sounding the prophetic  hour
          them and treated them harshly,     earth: education, technology, in-  for that greater destiny for your-
          but what did that re-activate for   novations, you name it,” is upon   self and for  Afrika, which  you
          the people of Israel? It re-activat-  us now and you are required to   feel in your heart to be fulfilled is
          ed their remembrance  of God.      be a part of its building. The des-  upon us. Come home and build
          They cried to Him. It re-birthed   tinies of Afrikan and the world’s   her up again.
          the covenant that God had made     nations depends upon it.           Afrika will fulfill her destiny, the
          with their father, Abraham, years   Do not be like those who despise   question  is, will you heed the
          before and it animated the word    Afrika because of her woes and     call to return to her bosom and
          spoken by God that the people      her many struggles. Do not turn    lift up this mother of humanity so
          of Israel would be brought back    your nose up and away from her,    that all of humanity can receive
          and established as a nation.       saying that there is a stench that   of her the depths, breadths and
          Don’t think that what Ghana did    arises from within her. There are   heights of love once more?
          last year with the Year of Return   things that need to be worked
          was  some random  PR event.        on, yes, but how  can we be
          No, it was a powerfully prophet-   those who continue to complain
          ic precursor to what God is do-    about her state, yet we do not
          ing for Afrika; bringing back her   do anything to change it? What
          sons and daughters to the land     manner of madness would that
          to build the future Afrika.        be on our part? Keep in mind the
          For almost two decades now, I      dream I was given that Samuel
          have known that  Afrika’s sons     was given the interpretation of,
          and daughters must  return         of the arising of a New Afrikan
          home, to give her strength, hav-   Union, of linked and like-minded

                                         heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    15
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