Page 17 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 17


                                                                                Heaven. My relationship  with
                                                                                God, whom  I fondly  call  Dad,
        It really is a pleasure to share this story with you,                   has evolved  beautifully  to this
        the story of a life so evidently touched and beau-
        tified by God. What’s more is that her joy and                          You are a single mom, would
        faith are palpable despite what have been many                          you  mind  sharing  a  little  bit
        challenges and trying times and                                         about that journey?
         seasons and because of that, her steadfastness in                      My husband  transitioned  in
        what she has believed gives one so much strength                        2006,  after  only  six  years  of
                                                                                marriage. That was a very sur-
        as you will soon see for yourself.
                                                                                prising thing to  me,  because I
        Msingi Afrika Magazine Team                                             think when  you’re  young and
                                                                                you get married, you don’t think
                                                                                about loss, you just think about
                                                                                starting a new life, which will
          Who is Florence                    relentlessly  talked about God's   mature into old age. When he
          Wanyonyi?                          love, I couldn't understand how    left us, I found myself single with
          The most important thing that I    a loving  God would  allow  me     a daughter to raise. At the time,
          can say about myself is that I am   to go through all that turmoil at   I had left my daughter in Kenya
          the daughter  of the Most High     a fairly young age, but her per-   with my husband as I pursued
          God and that God is my Best        sistence wore me out and I final-  my studies in the United States,
          Friend. That is the one thing that   ly caved and accepted her invi-  so when news came that he was
          truly describes  me to this day    tation to attend a church service   no more, my heart broke for my
          and everything else comes com-     at  the Gates  of  Glory  Church   daughter, knowing  how  close
          pletely secondary. Beyond being    in  Dallas,  Texas.  That  Monday   she was to her father. I got on a
          a child of God, I am a mother, an   night service was peculiar be-    flight to Kenya immediately, just
          Entrepreneur in the Forex indus-   cause the words that came out      to hold her in my arms and com-
          try, a motivational  speaker and   of the preacher's mouth healed     fort  her and so we could start
          also an upcoming author.           something within me and left me    figuring  out  life  together.  Her
                                             yearning for more; and that's      father was gone, so I had to do
          How  did  you  come  to  your      how I  was introduced to an in-    my  best  to  be there for  her; to
          journey of faith?                  credible prophet; Pastor Howard    put her needs above education
          My journey  of faith came to       Richardson. He spoke prophetic     or career during that trying time
          me as a surprise, in August of     words about my past and future,    and thereafter.
          2007, through Ellen Mensah;        and I was left dumbfounded,        I can say one thing  though,
          an incredible lady whom I con-     wondering  how a human being       that  when something happens
          sider my  Heaven-sent  Angel.      could know so many personal        in your life, even such as loss,
          She was born in Ghana, but         things about me that I had never   God is going  to be there for
          lives in the United States  with   shared with anyone. I remember     you, whether you understand it
          her family. I was in such a bro-   crying out to God that night on    or not and whether you believe
          ken state then, as I had lost my   my way home from the service       it or not. Within a year of losing
          mother and husband within a        saying "God if you are real, save   my husband, I started connect-
          span of three months in 2006,      me, for I don't know what to do    ing  with God and  He gave  me
          so no matter what I did, I was in   or where to begin". Two weeks     an understanding of  counting
          such pain and didn't know how      after that prayer, I had a power-  on Him and leaning  on Him.
          to face life and move forward. It   ful visitation in a dream where I   The scripture, Psalm 68:5, re-
          was then that Ms Ellen constant-   saw Jesus, the Son of God; He      ally made a difference. Every
          ly talked  to me about the love    came to me with two Angels and     time I  needed something from
          of God every time we bumped        touched me.  Since then, I  felt   God, I would call on Him and I
          into each other in the  hallways   quite light and hopeful; cement-   would remember His words say-
          of our work premises.  As she      ing  my belief and  understand-    ing "He is a Father of the father-
                                             ing that I had been accepted by    less and a judge to the widows".

                                         heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    17
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