Page 20 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 20
of the love of God and the pres- al turmoil and I couldn't balance
ence of God. We do everything my life. That meant that I missed
together, we talk so much and some classes and it impacted
we’re very close in terms of dis- negatively on my visa. Instead
cussing the things that are going of facing deportation, I chose to
on in our lives, even when I’m return and put my worthwhile de-
not around her. Right now she’s gree to good use. I also thought
a big girl, she’s 20 years old and it'd be a plus to be back home
she’s in campus. When she’s in and to be near my then ailing fa-
school and I’m at home, we just ther and also to support a local
have a way of keeping in touch school program that had been
in terms of talking on the phone engineered by my family.
all the time and updating each The transition was a nightmare,
other on what’s happening in the oh my goodness, it was painful.
spiritual realm, and because we The hopes, thoughts and expec-
both love God so much, it's easy. tations that had become bleak
We always know who to turn to. overnight, especially beginning
I’ve taught her that instead of with my finances. I know I can't
consulting me first, she should compare and contrast the econ-
go to God first, asking in prayer, omies of two different countries,
to let direction come directly but I went from earning USD
from Heaven and allow me to be 65,000USD to USD 6,500 an-
a secondary beneficiary to her nually. I started crashing eco-
conversations with God. nomically and eventually fell to
ground zero. You're welcome to
You lived in the US with your read my book for the rest of the
daughter for some time, were details (laughs).
you able to finish your studies
at all eventually or was every Yes, of course, you are soon
strength focused on her? releasing a book on your jour-
I am absolutely grateful to God ney, tell us about that. this is simply because God was
that even after fighting the odds I’m so happy and grateful to ready for me in 2007 and when
of poverty and landing in Ameri- share that God’s story, God’s I found Him and knew there was
ca with nothing to my name; and journey, God’s saving grace something greater than every-
overcoming the loss of loved has finally come together and thing in this world, I was willing
ones, I eventually graduated in through the years, from 2007 to follow Him. By following Him,
several colleges and I have a until today, the things that He He's taught me a lot by His Holy
Bachelors’ degree in Nursing; has allowed me to go through Ghost and so we have put to-
so yes, I found a way of balanc- have now become a story. My gether a story and I can’t wait for
ing motherhood, education and book is called “Rise and Shine: you to read it and be blessed as
career. It’s Time! My journey of broken- much as I have been.
ness and healing.” I’m excited
Why did you come back to to talk about how I fell, how I’ve Are these experiences what
Kenya in the end and what risen through poverty, through led you to become a motiva-
has that transition been like? gains; how I’ve overcome the tional speaker?
Quite honestly, I may never loss of my parents and husband, Actually, this came to me as a
have been in a hurry to come how my lifestyle at one point surprise, because I realized that
back home, but having a student completely crashed and about the more I knew God and the
visa meant that I had to honor trusting God through all that and more I kept my relationship alive
my obligation and return to my even sharing about my ministry. with the Holy Spirit and shared
home country once I attained I’ve never gone to Bible school; with the people around me; how
my degree. After my husband's all that I know about God is by they felt is what made me get
passing, I was in such emotion- the power of the Holy Spirit. All inspired. I would even be going
20 | heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY