Page 24 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 24
to underestimate our capacity People cannot be liberated
for self-extinction. I am passion- by consciousness and knowl-
ate about working towards an edge other than their own. It is
Afrika that will recognize her therefore essential that Afrikans
place in the world as the cus- develop their own indigenous
todian of ancient wisdom and consciousness-raising and
guidance of how to survive in knowledge generation, and the
the world. social power to assert it. To do
this, we must tap into the ener- happy 1st
Say something about gy and resilience of the Afrikan Anniversary
Msingi Afrika Magazine youth, and channel these into a MSINGI AFRIKA MAGAZINE
tool powerful enough to effect
and how you feel about
change in the status quo. This
contributing articles to it is not just an ideology. My theo-
or why you do it. ry of communitalism describes
First time I had a look at the how this can be done.
magazine online, I was im-
pressed with the layout and You can follow Father Anselm
the contents. I also saw some Adodo's work on his website
areas of editorial improvement
which will surely come over
time. There are thousands of
magazines out there, so I am
particularly selective of the ones Maagu Karuri
I choose to write for. I love the
fact that Msingi Afrika Magazine
focuses on various aspects of KENYAN SOFTWARE DEVELOPER/AFRIKANIST
Afrikan development. I also like
the positive orientation of the
magazine as opposed to the
hatred and bitterness and even
revengeful racism that tends
to ooze from some other such
magazines. For me, as an Af-
rikan, hatred and bitterness do
not produce any good fruits.
What's your hope and
aspiration for Afrika for the
next ten years?
I believe that a United Nations
of Afrika, armed with a good
knowledge of history and trans-
formative education, offers one
of the best hopes to transform
What ought Afrikans be do-
ing now to ensure that we
as a people and as a con-
tinent truly realize Afrika's
great potential?
24 | heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 25