Page 27 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 27
Nicholas Munyororo
happy 1st
by the highest number of
people, even if mostly only on
a subsistence level. This is
despite the fact that farming
can become the biggest direct
and indirect employer of youth
in Afrika and the biggest con-
tributor to its economy. The
biggest hindrance to this is
what is known as conventional
farming. Conventional farming
postulates that use of machin-
ery; fertilizers, hybrid seeds and
pesticides are what will bring
about a green revolution. These
are machinations of big phar-
maceuticals to keep farmers
in Afrika, and elsewhere in the
‘developing’ countries, under
their yoke and dependency. A
Tell us about yourself their bills by installing solar more liberated Afrika would be
and what you do, in water heating or installing a one where farmers have re-
backup system to enable work
relation to the move for a learned the old Afrikan ways of
to continue in the face of a growing food sustainably, as it
truly liberated Afrika.
mains outage (blackout). I am was done for millennia by their
When I received the request
also passionate about farming forefathers, combining this with
to write on what I was doing in
and helping to change mindsets newer methods of agri-ecolo-
relation to the move for a truly about the traditional view of
liberated Afrika, from my editor, gy farming and conservation
farming in Afrika. I believe that farming (Farming God’s Way)
I could not think of anything I
in farming, as in all other as- that encourage use of available
was doing that would answer
pects of life, we need to look up resources, seeds and technolo-
that question. I run a company
to the Maker of all things and in gies. My role in establishing this
called Viro Mental Ltd and we His wisdom and guidance find
mostly help people with their is to practice, teach, talk, and
solutions. write about it. Recently l heard
power problems, like reduce
In Afrika, farming is practiced
26 | heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 27