Page 32 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 32


                      In Defence ofAir

                      By Fr Anselm Adodo

                    or me, one of the        air. And yet, one of the most      phones, iPods, iPads, com-
                    most striking aspects    glaring signs of our disconnect    puters, atomic bombs, social
                    of the COVID-19          from nature is our neglect of the   media, newspapers, all of which
                    pandemic is how the      air we breathe. In the world of    so readily grab our senses and
         Fmost important and                 modernity, the air has become      mould our participation with the
          powerful symbol of life, the air   a forgotten dump site for a host   world.
          we breathe, has also become a      of gaseous effluents, radiations,
          suspicious carrier of the deadly   and industrial pollutants. We      COVID-19 is calling our atten-
          virus. We now wear face masks      have totally ignored the impor-    tion to the changes happening
          to protect us from an enemy        tance of the quality of the air    in the air itself. The changing at-
          that we think may enter into       we breathe and its significance    mosphere, global warming and
          our body system through the        to life. Instead, our fascination   climate change, deforestation,
          very symbol of life itself, the    is elsewhere: television, mobile   destruction of our ecosystems,

          32        |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika                          HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY
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