Page 34 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 34


          make us turn our backs on the
          very source of life on earth.
          We have reduced earth to a
          money making machine which
          dispenses whatever we want
          at the push of a button, without
          paying attention to the fact that
          our earth is a huge living and
          breathing life venting machine
          and when pushed to the brink
          of danger, will recycle itself and
          us included.

          The foolishness of taking for        Let me bring your attention to something. The air we breathe is not
          granted the breath of God            just oxygen as we called it in science; it is the natural symbol of
          Sometimes I think that we hu-        the breath of God. It is the reality of as it is in heaven, so it is here
          mans are way more stupid than        on earth. The breath of God keeps all things alive on earth and in
          we give ourselves credit for.        heaven. Trees, animals, birds of the air, things in the waters all un-
          You read right. World leaders        derstand this reality… the only exception is man, who was made in
          like to gather at UN meetings        the image of God. And that too is one of our many foolishnesses.
          telling tales of a never ending
          story of how climate change is       We must go back to taking care of the earth again. For if we plant
          destroying the world and the         poison in our farms and call it modern agriculture, we certainly
          environment, but won't tell their    will reap death. If we pollute our air with poison, we will reap the
          capitalist businessmen to stop       very reward for it. That the air became cleaner globally during this
          the unhealthy practices that put     season of lockdown shows you where the problem has been. It has
          the environment in danger. But       been with man and his unhealthy activities. We must act now in de-
          the question remains, is it really   fense of the air and just maybe we will live longer on this beautiful
          the issue of climate change or       planet we call home.
          the issue of the irresponsible
          humans living on planet earth?
          I think the latter is the case. We
          are our own problem and not
          the environment. For example,
          a government in Afrika com-
                                              About the author
          plains about its citizens dying
          of cancer and diseases that
                                              Anselm Adodo is a catholic priest and di-
          are connected to wrong diets        rector of one of Africa’s largest phytomed-
          and genetically altered foods,      icine company, called paxherbals, and Di-
          and comes up with the advice        rector of Pax Centre for Integral Research
          that people should stop eating
                                              and Development. His most recent books
          processed foods. But I am like,
                                              include ‘The Idea of the Communiversity’
          who gave the permission that        (Beacon academic, 2019), and ‘Healing
          allowed the GMO seedlings           Plants of Nigeria’ (Routledge, 2020).
          from Monsanto that are creating     Anselm is a visiting  lecturer at Nigeria’s
          the lifeless foods that Afrikans
                                              premier University of Ibadan, Nigeria, a
          are eating? Who gave license
                                              Fellow of the Nigeria society of Botanists
          to the grocery stores and the       and an adjunct research fellow of Nigeria
          fast-food restaurants that are      Institute of medical Research.
          selling death to people instead
          of life? The very same govern-
          ments which are blinded by
          taxes, levies, licenses that such
          importations and sales bring.

          34        |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika                          HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY
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