Page 39 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 39
money that makes the world
go round and the acquisition of
it puts you in high social posi-
I look at our political space in
Afrika and how it seems that
our Afrikan heads of state can't
seem to come up with anything
useful for the people, except
things that keep the flow of
money running in their person-
al pockets and then I wonder
why that is. It is the same spirit
I’m telling you right now by the ecy, the one reason why I
Spirit of God that what is hap- mentioned it in this article is to of greed which stems from
mindlessness to the true state
pening in our world today has remind anyone who cares to
of things. Most of them live in
surpassed a virus, racism, and know that nothing happens in
palatial government houses and
police brutality and the sooner this world without some spir-
palaces, drive the most expen-
we recognize what’s really go- itual influence or influences.
ing on, the sooner we can gain Meaning that to try to change sive cars and fly in the most
exotic jets, so they have no
the victory! or tackle spiritual issues using
clue whatsoever about the true
For those who have ears to just physical things, new laws,
state of things on the ground.
hear and eyes to see, we must technology or whatever else we
And because we also have a lot
now begin to target our prayers have learnt to run to, will just be
on the spirit of greed and under- a waste of time. of unemployed youth who will
do anything for money, these
stand the fight is regarding the
heads of state are re-elected
finances! Boldness to be a true Afrikan
to government because such
It takes boldness to be a true
failed heads of government
The finances behind the virus! Afrikan in these our days of
betrayal and compromise. are never held accountable by
the youth who can hold them
The finances behind the rioting Why? The true Afrikan is the
and looting! one who thinks of others like he
thinks of himself. A true Afrikan
Can Afrikans Change?
The finances behind taking is the one who will not gather
down the President! to himself what is meant for the Yes, Afrikans and anyone else
can change. We just have to
community. A true Afrikan is the
realize first what our problems
Millions are being sold a false one that will not fight to live in
are. We just need to first un-
report. The African American a one thousand acre piece of
derstand that our problem is
race and their justified pain is land, while a thousand families
being preyed on by an agenda are living on the streets. A true mindset first before technol-
ogy, western education etc.
filled with greed! The agenda Afrikan is the one whose de-
And that's why when you give
behind the virus and hopes cisions and choices reflect the
intellectuals government posi-
to vaccinate and dominate is reality of the common good.
tions where money is plenty,
greed! A true Afrikan is the one who
sees evil and calls it what it is. they seem to instantly lose their
intellectual minds and looting
After this encounter I finally see A true Afrikan fears God and
becomes the next thing. That
it like never before! will not trample on others just
shows you that the issue with
to get what he desires. And the
Afrika has not always been lack
China. The WHO. George So- truth is, it takes a high level of
ros. Bill Gates." boldness to be this true Afrikan, of intellectual ability, but mind-
lessness and selfishness which
especially in these our days,
creates greed.
Concerning the above proph- where people believe that it’s heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 39