Page 43 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 43


              ...for us to trigger transformation, we must
              be the bridge that connects the offender and                      lieve he is now a changed indi-
            those offended as well as the society at large, in                  vidual currently focusing on pos-

            order for both to bear the fruits of forgiveness                    itive things.
                                     and love.                                  We don't have to be  practicing
                                                                                lawyers or even part  of  the  le-
                                                                                gal profession to be agents of
          satisfaction whenever, by God's    which carries with it a life impris-  change  in  this area. We can
          grace, God has used me to bring    onment penalty. I was then ad-     do it in our small ways as God
          change through my practice and     vised to mitigate on his behalf. I   leads us.  This  is  a  common
          with the understanding that it is   prayed and faced the magistrate   problem  cutting across the en-
          God working to bring change to     having prepared  my mitigation     tire continent of  Afrika.   The
          some of the people whose cas-      submissions.                       question is, will you make room
          es l took up on pro bono, or with                                     for someone's life to be trans-
          very little resources coming in    I made a very ambitious request    formed through you,  especially
          from the client. One such case     and asked the court to commit      those that are deemed to have
          is a case of a young man who       him to a non-custodial sentence.   wronged  the society we live
          accidentally  killed  his girlfriend.   The prosecution of course found   in? In the same breath, will you
          When called to  represent  him     this  laughable and strongly       make room for someone to for-
          l  had the  opportunity to  either   submitted that my client was a   give  and  find  healing…  those
          allow him to tell the truth, while   danger  to society and ought  to   who have been offended by
          recording  his statement or tai-   be  sentenced  to life  in  prison.   those in custody? It is indeed a
          lor-make it to suit an acquittal, as   In my mitigation l strongly sub-  difficult task, but having offered
          there was no eyewitness or evi-    mitted of the fact that my client   a bit of the background on what
          dence directly connecting him to   was very remorseful and repen-     transpires in our criminal justice
          the scene of the crime. I prayed   tant. He was going  to live with   system, l hope God, who is the
          about the case and was led to      this guilt for the rest of his life. I   very epitome  of love  will  help
          advise him to give an accurate     also indicated that twice, my cli-  you make the right decision and
          account of what transpired in his   ent and his family had asked for   impact society.
          statement. His statement was       forgiveness from the deceased’s
          produced in court during trial as   family. It was with a lot of relief
          evidence of his admission of the   that the magistrate asked for a
          offense.  This basically meant     pre-sentence  report to be pre-
          that  a  conviction had already    pared by a probation officer, be-
          technically,  been procured by     fore  sentencing my  client.  The
          the prosecution. I  advised him    downside of  the  directive  was
          to ask for forgiveness  from the   that  the  probation  officer  was
          deceased’s mother. One day af-     to visit the deceased’s mother
          ter the court session he walked    and establish whether she had
          over to  the  deceased’s  mother   genuinely  considered  forgiving
          and asked for forgiveness.         my client and whether she had
                                             indeed forgiven him.
          We proceeded with trial  and
          before it came to a close, l felt   We did not know the outcome
                                                                                Walter Owaga is the Managing Partner
          a burden  to tell him  to ask his   of that process however, when
                                                                                and Senior Legal Consultant at Owaga
          family to reach out to the de-     the sentencing  date came my       and Associates Advocates.
          ceased’s mother and once again     client was sentenced in respect    He has over 12 years of broad
          show remorse  and ask  for  for-   to a lesser offense of involuntary   experience in Commercial Litigation,
          giveness. After a lot of struggle   manslaughter and directed to      Corporate Law, Legal Advice,
          the family managed to reach out    serve a non-custodial sentence     Intellectual Property, Legal Research,
          to the deceased’s family. At the   for  six  months.  The  upshot  of   Legal Writing, Corporate Governance,
                                                                                Civil Litigation, Legal Compliance, Due
          end of trial, the young man was    this is that  the fellow saw the
                                                                                Diligence, Employment Law, Mediation,
          found guilty of manslaughter,      hand of God at work and l be-
                                                                                among others.

                                         heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    43
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