Page 48 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 48
Likewise, the complaining users Speak up against injustice he has the moral duty to turn
are not ignorant of their pow- Let’s take the unlikely example this stick onto the ones who are
er to influence changes in the of the taxman to look at the involved in the wastage of re-
company, but they just shrug issue of injustice. The taxman sources. Why? They are guilty
and say, “But what can we has a heavy burden and it is of unfaithfulness and thus are
do? Our hands are tied.” This not cash collection. The taxman the ones making his job hard-
is easily the most give-up-ish is faced with collecting cash er. Those who are contributing
thing I have ever heard a hu- for a regime that may or may money under force of law have
man being utter in my life and is not be keeping its word and observed the spenders’ avari-
generally applied to every situa- honoring its commitments to cious ways, while not seeing
tion on earth where the person its citizens. In the case where any wider benefit to the society.
wants to continue to whine and the taxman may be collect- For now, we must turn and face
wail but not act to change their ing cash for an unfaithful and the collector of this revenue
circumstances. Of course you greedy government that is who is answerable to himself,
can do something. It may in- simply consuming the hard- to the one he is collecting it
convenience you along the way, earned money of its employers from and to the ones spending
but by your choices you can (the citizens) as if it was water it, to keep the spenders true to
walk away and influence others from an unending fountain, and the intent of the collection by
to walk away and before you taking for granted the fact that speaking up where and when
know it, the numbers will force the law compels their compli- he sees this injustice pervading.
a change of behavior; whether ance then we have a situation If for nothing else than to save
you will go back or not, having of injustice. The taxman may his immortal soul.
realized that the supplier was be enforcing regulations that Now to the one paying the mon-
well able to have changed their have been imposed upon him ey into the hands of those who
behavior all along, but didn’t, is and watching the money that are wasting it, upon seeing this
a different matter. So instead he is trying to collect from waste they must speak up and
of marveling at the amount of stressed out citizens (who may not remain silent, because this
profit that a company is mak- be in danger of shutting down wastage is upon their heads.
ing and lauding their claimed their businesses because of a Complaining alone will not get
success, take heed to note the difficult economic climate) being them answer and neither will
heart of what they do and why spent on trifles and salaries for sulking or sitting around in fear
and how they do it. If you know greedy employees who to make or throwing stones in anger
that they are greedy and ex- unending selfish demands. This when the frustrations seem to
ploitative, do not reward them taxman is now actually in an become ‘too much’. They must
with your worship, applause awkward position, for he knows hold their employees to account
and through imitating their be- the challenges he faced while (the recipients of the cash and
havior but rather do something collecting this money and the those spending it) for every
positive to change it. Even the very real stories of hardship that coin and demand some form
smallest thing, like removing he heard from those he sought of accountability from them
your support for them by finding out to make their ‘contributions’. if they refuse to honor their
a different provider can make a While on the other hand, he commitments. Why do I say
very loud statement spiritually sees the wastage and the reck- this? Their inaction and refusal
about you and them and even less spending that is going on, to speak and act against this is
serve to clear your name where as he is being pressurized to an injustice against themselves
you were acting contrary to your collect more and more and yet as the givers of the money and
word. When your words and more from the people. against society as a whole.
actions match that is integrity, You may or may not agree with Wrongs are going unaddressed
where they don’t your moral me, but I strongly believe that and a culture of dishonor is be-
authority is eroded, as is your he has the moral obligation to ing entrenched throughout the
ability to effect change in this speak up against this injustice. entire societal system because
and other areas. Integrity gives Rather than take the stick to the of the people’s choices not to
you a leg to stand on when citizenry who are crying under act or speak but instead to sim-
teaching the next generation. the burden of increased taxes, ply complain and then sit back
48 | heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY