Page 50 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 50


          with. This despite the same        stable and predictable growth      other countries are favorable
          government having paid billions    for the country as a whole. As a   instead of detrimental, that their
          in vaccine injury compensa-        result, the population is not as   local people are fully supported
          tions, meaning that the parents’   stressed out as they might be      in their endeavors to the point
          have very valid concerns about     in over-taxed, over-licensed re-   of even having an advantage
          the safety of their children and   gimes and they can get on with     over a business that seeks to
          simply want these concerns         the business of doing what they    enter the market from outside of
          addressed but the lawmakers        need to do, free from depen-       the country… as opposed to the
          want to achieve the goal of        dence on external support like     favors rich investors are given
          vaccination… for whatever end      aid, because the environment       when they knock on countries’
          and no matter the cost to the      is conducive for them to thrive    doors these days. A govern-
          people. A society with a culture   in. I know it sounds utopic, but   ment is meant to be keen to
          of care takes all concerns into    this really should be the norm     ensure that their people are the
          account and creates a plan that    and for us to consider this a      priority in terms of the quality
          is safest and best for all, not    pipedream means that we are        of food they consume, the air
          most convenient for the govern-    in actuality living out a night-   they breathe and the water they
          ment or businesses.                mare. I believe it is possible     drink. That their people feel se-
                                             and that some governments          cure, rather than threatened by
          Mindfulness in choices, law        actually make this possible        security forces, such as police,
          and policy making                  for their citizens. Unlike a sad   and that friendly dialogue is
          We spoke about mindfulness in      story I read some years back       possible between citizens and
          a previous issue of the mag-       where a young group of Afrikan     their employees in the govern-
          azine which I strongly recom-      entrepreneurs in Kenya had         ment.
          mend that you read alongside       an innovative idea that they       Oil producing countries, for ex-
          this, if you haven’t already.      wanted to run with, but by the     ample, tend to pass on the ben-
          Recently I said to someone         time they were done paying the     efit of this naturally occurring
          that in my view, if a person       government its fees and costs,     resource to their citizens in the
          wants to start a business, it      they just closed up shop and       form of affordable fuel and even
          makes sense for the govern-        the idea was shelved. Just like    free education and government
          ment to make it as affordable      that, policy and political prom-   services. Countries focused on
          for them to do so as possible.     ises clashed and government        the growth of the ICT sector
          This means that licensing fees,    policy won.                        usually find ways to reduce the
          equipment, commercial space,       When a government decides          cost of access to equipment like
          power, water and taxes need to     to increase taxes on citizens      computers and mobile phones,
          be as favorable as possible, in    who are already struggling to      reduce the cost of and improve
          order for one to be able to build   make ends meet, in an envi-       the quality of internet, countries
          their business, earn money to      ronment where large and small      focused on manufacturing find
          be able to pay for various costs,   businesses alike are struggling   ways in which to ensure that the
          hire people and grow. This is      to stay afloat, it is a puzzling   process is as cost-effective as
          particularly needful for people    thing. And when this same          possible, even providing finan-
          who don’t have deep pockets        government decides to take         cial cushioning to businesses
          and are just starting out. That    on more debt, which puts even      during times when things are
          way unemployment is reduced,       more pressure on its citizens      not so bright, because they
          poverty is reduced, more peo-      to pay back loans that they are    want to ensure that these
          ple are independent of state       barely seeing the benefit of, it   companies remain afloat and
          support or support from their      is highly disconcerting. The role   are able to continue on after the
          families, giving everyone the      of the government is to enable,    crisis is averted, because they
          room they need to expand in        support, protect and facilitate –   understand the value these
          some positive way. People can      not themselves, but the people     businesses contribute overall –
          then pay for services like med-    they were hired to represent.      not that they turn it into occa-
          ical cover (if they so desire),    They are meant to ensure that      sion for yet more favoritism.
          purchase vehicles, homes,          public funds are spent wisely,     A mindful government builds
          equipment etc, which creates       that trade negotiations with       without ego, not caring that the

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