Page 52 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 52


                       BLACK CONSCIOUSNESS AND

                           RADICAL RESPONSIBILITY:

                             MATTER’ SOCIAL MOVEMENT

                                                  Ronald Elly Wanda
                               The author is the director of Grundtvig Africa House
                                          (GAHO) based in Nairobi, Kenya.

                       ver the past few      its predictable familiarity.       In this brief piece I want to
                       weeks, societies      Floyd’s tragic death, as Mala-     transgress the on-going unrests
                       across the world      wian historian Paul Zeleza has     across the world that have
                       have been given       argued, echoes accumulated         been characterized not by the
         Oan opportunity to                  anger, pain, tiredness, frustra-   Covid-19 menace that has kept
          scratch their conscious about      tion, and sadness at the African   the world’s communities caged
          their paramount values. This       American condition following       indoors, but by the acute racial
          follows the death of George        over four centuries of slavery,    crisis in America that is seeing
          Floyd, an unarmed black man        lynching, racial segregation, the   communities across the globe
          who was murdered while in cus-     new Jim Crow of mass black         united in protesting not only
          tody of the Minneapolis police in   incarceration, and a litany of mi-  racial but also other forms of
          the United States.  What some      cro aggressions seared into the    oppression.
          of us find so sad and tragic       collective memories of African
          about Floyd’s brutal murder is     Americans over generations.        One thing made clear by

          52        |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika                          HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY
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