Page 54 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 54


          features that continue to mis-     supposedly alien peoples”,         those of fascism, the demons
          guide their current encounters     constitutes the visible link to a   of the latter are very present,
          with ‘the Others’ who are now      cultural pathology which reach-    and more often than we like to
          living in Europe. It is probable   es into the innermost ways in      admit, dominant.  We mustn’t
          that the present day Trump-led     which British society operates     forget that what Floyd encoun-
          America is also misguided by       today.  Indeed for ages, argu-     tered is deeply embedded in the
          same debris of the European        ments over racial divisions, over   American psyche, where Derek
          pathology.                         who is human enough to qualify     Chauvin, his killer-cop felt he
                                             for rights and recognition have    was entitled to kill a black man,
          Three months ago, comment-         impinged upon the formation of     with total impunity. We mustn’t
          ing on the emerging new form       epistemological and ethical as     also forget that America is fun-
          of racism brought about by         well as historical and political   damentally a country of immi-
          Britain’s exit from the Euro-      categories. During the 20th cen-   grants, even if white Americans
          pean Union (Brexit), I argued      tury, these arguments became       think they own it.
          that over the years, some of       closely connected with the com-    Under the current supportive
          us including the likes of  Gil-    plex demands for justice and       global conditions, triggered by
          roy, Stuart Hall and others that   freedom made by Africans and       the acute crisis of the capital-
          have long advocated for the        other colonised people bent on     ist enterprise’s exhaustion of
          idea that there ought to be a      changing their political status by   the‘general profitability’, it is
          political or ethical obligation    seeking liberty from and equali-   necessary to appreciate the
          for Britain to deal with racism    ty with those who had colonised    impact of the work of ‘Black
          and its consequences were          them.                              Lives Matter’ social movement
          dismissed by the establishment                                        that have done the black com-
          as endorsers of victimology,       Black Lives Matter                 munity an admirable service by
          threatening Britain’s universal    Black Lives Matter social move-    exhaustively highlighting what
          and liberal standards of justice   ment has successfully managed      Kwame Ture termed as ‘institu-
          and governance. My argument        to highlight the depth of bru-     tional racism’deeply entrenched
          was, and still is, that today’s    tality, injustice and unaccount-   in the American psyche and
          socio-cultural and socio-political   ability that American society,   more importantly for calling out
          conflicts, which characterize the   especially law enforcement,       loud for fundamental structural
          relation between Africans and      harbors toward black people.       changes in America’s social,
          the British political and justice   The movement has brought to       political and cultural structures.
          establishments are firmly rooted   the fore the unchecked pow-
          in Britain’s imperial and colonial   ers of the police, their military   The struggle as they say
          histories. Though that history     weaponry and their capricious      CONTINUES!
          remains marginal and largely       use of it. They have demon-
          unacknowledged, surfacing          strated that the problem of
          only in the service of nostalgia   policing in America is more than
          and melancholia, it represents     that of individual bad officers;
          a store of unlikely connections    the problem, they have high-
          and complex interpretative         lighted, is a culture that protects
          resources. This is because the     wrongdoers, tolerates mendac-
          imperial and colonial life con-    ity, rewards blind loyalty and
          tinues to shape political life in a   is fiercely resistant to change.
          developed but no longer ‘Great’    More deeply, the movement has
          Britain.                           shown that America has a law
          Paul Gilroy has further posited    enforcement culture that does
          that whatever the immediate        not regard black lives as worthy
          institutional settings, the resi-  of protection.
          dues of imperial and colonial      Stepping back historically, al-
          culture live on whatever ‘race’    though America and most of the
          is invoked.  Race, or as Gilroy    world have chosen to live by the
          rather put it, “the presence of    fictions of liberalism, and not

          54        |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika                          HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY
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