Page 58 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 58


          Afrikan way of life by those who   men from all over the world        you easily find the negative
          think we are never supposed to     will come to Afrika for spiritual   photos of Afrika for free online,
          rise out of the past, that even    and life changing pilgrimages,     you only find the good ones on
          though we still have poverty       which will not only bring Afrika   some website for sale for hun-
          and diseases in our land, that     back to her place as the Moth-     dreds of dollars. But the ques-
          even though the voices of the      erland but also as the place of    tion is this, who are the ones
          helpless in our societies are still   refuge for those who can no     taking these photos of a broken
          drowned in the ocean of politi-    longer live in the wicked system   down Afrika? The very tourists
          cal madness, even though the       that the world has created. I      we celebrate at our borders.
          world system still thinks that we   have a dream that instead of      This is just one example of how
          as Afrikans are only as good as    Afrika being the perpetual loan    tourism that is just gain based
          lab rats for evil vaccine tests,   beggar and aid taker that she      is affecting the Afrikan narrative.
          I still declare that I, too, have   will be the continent that gives   Am I saying that photography in
          a dream. It is a dream deeply      and provides for other nations.    Afrika should be about just the
          rooted in the God-given Afrikan    For such is the good heart and     good things here? Not really. All
          dream. A dream which was           attribute of a true mother. I have   I am saying is that, as regards
          ingrained in the very foundation   a dream that my children will      tourism, which is one of the
          of this continent as the cradle    grow to love Afrika because        many frontlines of our interac-
          of humanity and which will also    of who she will have risen         tions with the world, we need to
          manifest in this continent, even   to become, instead of loving       upgrade from wildlife and hotel
          as she takes a step higher to      the false greener pastures of      tourism to what I like to call Life
          become the nest of safety for      Europe and America that keep       Tourism.
          the world in the nearest future.   stealing our kids from us.
          I have a dream that one day                                           What is Life Tourism?
          Afrikans will again walk on this   Tourism in Afrika                  It is simply the combination of
          mother of all continents as free   I have no issue whatsoever with    two words: Life and Tourism, to
          Afrikan citizens with no need for   the tourism industry in Afrika,   create a new concept of how
          passports or visas, which are      but I think Afrika is beyond       our Afrikan tourism should both
          nothing but the inventions of      tourism and whatever gains         engage the world, represent
          men, designed to create segre-     that sector professes to bring     us in good light and also how
          gation between who is deemed       to Afrika. For tourism the way     we become the change that
          worthy of passing through a        it's been used has also become     the world needs and not those
          port or not. I have a dream that,   a tool for the defamation and     who only relate to the world as
          one day, the colonialist border    degradation of Afrika and her      beggars. The concept is quite
          lines, which are nothing but the   people. It seems to me that        simple; we just need to un-
          reminders of where we were         we have not yet elevated our       derstand what life is and what
          conned, will be removed and        tourism industry to become         tourism was supposed to be.
          national boundary lines will no    our Afrikan brand or the face
          longer be the places where         of our Afrikan life to the world.   Life for me is the ability to live
          demeaning questions about the      I am a photographer, so I love     in a healthy balance with each
          integrity of our Afrikan brothers   good photos. But have you ever    other, creation, the environ-
          and sisters will be asked, but     noticed that when you search       ment, the cosmic natural order
          places where Afrikans will wel-    for photos of Afrika on Google     and God the Creator. An Afrika
          come their Afrikan and sisters     or any other search engines,       without God is both foolishness
          brothers with joy and music.       you will find more photos of       and vanity of mind. Are we not
          I have a dream that someday,       malnourished children in some      foolish to think that we can
          not too long from now, Afrika      remote villages, with almost       talk about Afrika and not talk
          will stop being just a place for   no photos of children in school    proudly of God who made it all?
          wildlife tourism, but a place      or at best you will see chil-      Tourism, as defined by online
          where men will come to learn       dren in some under-the-tree        Encyclopedia Britannica, is the
          life and living in the true sense   classrooms. But is that the true   act and process of spending
          of it. I have a dream that,        image of Afrika? Not at all. And   time away from home in pursuit
          someday, not too far from now,     I have also noticed that while     of recreation, relaxation, and

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