Page 61 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 61


          my own opinion, of what use        is only a concept in the mind of   Afrika needs a mind
          is war if you don’t even know      God. As He imagines it to be,      change for a reality change
          what the peace you are fighting    we experience it to be. Reality    We have tried to express these
          for looks like. Of what use is     is a mental construct. The rules   thoughts severally in this mag-
          the fight against the white man    of physics are just there to “gov-  azine, and as God gives grace,
          when you as an Afrikan have        ern” how the physical universe     we will continue to do so. Afrika
          forgotten what the true Afrikan    operates. The universal mind,      cannot rise outside of the mind
          looks like. So what are we fight-  which governs the laws of the      matrix it creates for itself. No
          ing for? We can see clearly that   physical universe, only allows     matter the number of intellec-
          the problem of the Afrikan is not   them to be superseded when it     tuals and innovative creators
          the capitalist business men that   permits.                           we have, as long as our mind-
          come here to exploit, but the      We are living in the matrix of     set about the Afrikan narrative
          Afrikan gatekeepers that keep      mental creation. This is not a     is that of servitude to foreign
          selling out Afrika. So instead of   computer generated but a mind     thoughts and concepts, then we
          throwing punches at the wind or    generated world. It is generated   have no hope of rising.
          running on a treadmill, sweating   by the universal mind which        What must we do? We must go
          but not going anywhere, why        is first the mind of God, which    back to the original stream of
          don’t we stop and realize that     created all that first appeared,   the positive, creative mindset
          it’s time to stop punching, stop   and partly the collective con-     that we were blessed with from
          running the treadmill, look at     sciousness of the people alive     ancient times and start to create
          ourselves in the mirror, under-    which is also creating; for as     new realities for ourselves. If
          stand where we keep getting it     men think, so they are. In other   the white man believes he is the
          wrong, call together true Afri-    words, God is all powerful and     oppressor of all men on earth
          kans with true understanding       all-creative but He has also giv-  and it has worked for him for
          and rebuild our Afrika.            en man a mind that is creative     some time, what does Afrika as
                                             and obviously we are seeing        a race of blacks believe about
          The mind creates realities         what the minds of men have         themselves? We should be able
          Some people think that the         created and are still creating.    to answer this question if truly
          physical universe is different     Therefore I am surprised when      we want to move forward. We
          from the mental planes of          men blame God for the woes on      must create a new culture by
          reality. But the physical uni-     the earth and say blasphemous      creating a new mental pattern
          verse is really not as physical    things about Him, but won't        and by that we will manifest
          as it seems. In fact, it is just   check to see the evil that they    that which is worthy of the true
          another layer of the mental        create in their own mind matrix.   Afrikan.
          universe; for everything you       Especially right now among         Afrika has a beautiful ancient
          see in our physical world is a     young Afrikans who think en-       past, but the fact that that age
          projection of thought energy.      lightenment, or some form of       passed away just like every
          For as a man thinks or as he       "new knowledge" suddenly sets      other ancient civilization, shows
          projects his thought energy,       them as judges of God and His      that change is constant and
          so he creates and so he lives.     character. They always forget      also simply means that nothing
          Time and space does not exist      that God, Himself, Who they        remains forever. So instead of
          in the physical universe only,     blame for their woes, has con-     Afrika getting stuck in some
          it also does exist on the other    tinuously said to man "as you      form of dilemma, because they
          planes of reality. Except it is    think, so you are" and "as you     want to go back to the past,
          experienced differently on those   choose, so you will get". Mean-    why not plan for now and create
          planes.                            ing that, not knowing that what    for the future?
          The entire universe is a holo-     the Afrikan man thinks himself
          gram. The world is simply a        to be in his heart, is what is cre-  Note:
          simulation, like a computer pro-   ating his reality and not the God   LifeTourism as a created word and concept is
                                                                                a brand of Msingi Afrika Magazine. Its usage
          gram, but this time as a product   Who he keeps blaming or the        as a brand name by anyone is prohibited. The
          of mind projection. All levels     Christianity he calls the white    concept of LifeTourism can be used by anyone
          of reality are part of that same   man's tool of manipulation.        but the name remains a construct of Msingi
          program. Everything physical                                          Afrika Magazine.

                                         heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    61
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