Page 65 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 65
The Age of the Black Afrikan, in
this issue, it will help set deeper
context for you to reflect upon.
Meaning that the call for Afrika
to come into the wilderness to
relearn and recalibrate, is not a
call to another kind of slavery,
but a call to shed off the clothes
and lifestyles that were handed
down through colonialism and
Afrika as a whole, must anchor ness, according to online dic- the current neo-colonialism.
their hearts to boldness of ac- tionary, is the willingness to take
tion, irrespective of what the risks and act innovatively; confi- The announcement
world organizations say, espe- dence or courage. The killing of George Floyd on
cially if what is at stake is what is Now, from the Bible story of the May 25th of 2020, created glob-
good for our Afrikan people. But children of Israel coming out of al agitation for the end of racism
what does it mean to be bold like Egypt, we see that the very first against the blacks. But beyond
Tanzania? place Moses led them to by the that, it appears that his death
directive of God, was the wil- was much more an announce-
I will answer this question us- derness. But what is a wilder- ment for Afrika to go “sail in the
ing the meaning of the two key ness outside of the usual heat, wilderness” of separation from
words: Tanzania and Boldness. dryness and waterless state? the global agenda, in order to be
The name "Tanzania" was cre- A wilderness, in spiritual terms, able to create a new narrative
ated as a clipped compound of is where God takes a man or a for herself, and by that thrive in
the names of the two states that people to separate them from a changing world.
unified to create the country: the usual way of life that they So now that the world is paying
Tanganyika and Zanzibar. The are used to, in order to teach attention again because of the
name "Tanganyika" is derived them a new pattern of life and death of George Floyd, I think
from the Swahili words tanga living. And it takes boldness to this is the best time to bring to
("sail") and nyika ("uninhabited follow the voice of God into such the table the various issues that
plain", "wilderness"), creating a wilderness. have been left under the carpet
the phrase "sail in the wilder- Now, to tie all these strands to- for too long concerning the in-
ness". The name “Zanzibar” gether, we have something like justice and racism towards the
comes from the Arabic Zanjibār, this: Afrika has come of age Afrikan man and the continent of
which comes from the Per- and is able to stand on her own, Afrika. And here for me is where
sian Zang-bār, which is a com- make her own decisions about the boldness of Tanzania, which
pound of Zang (“Black“) and bār how to live and thrive, even in is a godly boldness, is needed.
(“coast, land, country“) meaning a world that is spinning almost Not needed for any form of vio-
the “land of the Blacks” or “the out of course. And God, know- lence, but needed to call things
land of the Black people,” or “the ing that the time has come for as they are and not the way the
coast where Black people live.” the Black Afrikan to make such skewed history has presented
(sources: Wikipedia and Afrole- a move for her complete eman- them. Putting it all togeth- cipation, is telling Afrikans that
er, we could say that Tanzania there is a “sailing into the wilder- The global trend for Afrika's
is “the land of the Black people ness” or a “wilderness of separa- liberty
who sail in the wilderness.” This tion” for the Black People (away I am Afrikan and I speak con-
is the basic literal meaning of from/separate from the globalist cerning Afrika and everything
Tanzania, but because the title system that has oppressed her that concerns her. I believe that
of this issue has linked the bold- for so long) that she must now as an Afrikan, it is my duty and
ness of Tanzania to the boldness make and it will take the bold- the duty of every Afrikan, both at
of God, the meaning of Tanzania ness like that which Tanzania home and abroad, to take seri-
in this context must take a new has displayed in order to make ously the conscious narrative
twist to suit that approach. Bold- it happen. If you read my article, for a better and a fully liberated heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 65