Page 66 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 66


                                                                                that what we have been taught
                                                                                by foreign ideologies should not
                                                                                necessarily be what defines us,
                                                                                but who we really are as those
                                                                                from whose womb life began on

                                                                                There is beauty in knowing who
                                                                                we are as  Afrikans, both from
                                                                                an ancient perspective and also
          Afrika.                            the Afrikan Man back to his true   from our modern reality. We can
                                             position, not as lord over anyone   no longer continue to live  like
          So as I do my duty for Afrika, I   - as many have done against        those without hope.
          am not writing these words to      him - but as ruler over his own
          undermine any nation, ethnicity,   sphere  of  influence,  which  in-  We as Afrikans must be bold to
          people or race that  is different   cludes  being the cradle  of hu-  first, look inwards and see where
          from Afrika.  I  am not  writing to   manity and the  authority  that   we too have been missing the
          point out what is wrong or right in   comes with it.                  point all these years in our deal-
          any of the things going on right                                      ing with each other as Afrikans
          now in America or any parts of     Meaning that if there is any time   both home and abroad.  We
          the world. Certainly some things   in history in which Afrikans have   must be bold enough to remove
          are wrong and some are right.      been given the opportunity to re-  the reminders  of colonialism
                                             define things for themselves, it is   and oppression called borders,
          I am simply writing to point my    now. To see it from just the per-  visas and passports and create
          Afrikan people towards a pos-      spective of demonstrations and     an Afrikan citizenship that allows
          sible new direction.               protests will just make us like a   all Afrikans to be one citizen of
                                             people who love the  thrills and   a great  continent called  Afrika.
          As an Afrikan, can you see the     chills of noise making, but who    We must  be bold enough to
          things going on around you?        really don't want change.  For     tell ourselves the truth, that we
          Can you see that  globally the     I ask myself, what really  is the   have not been responsible with
          narrative  of a truly free  Afrika   reason for the violent protests if   the good  things  that God gave
          has become the topic? Can you      no one is saying what they re-     us. We must be bold enough to
          see that even in the UK, protest-  ally want the authorities to do for   say enough is enough to those
          ers are going after the statues    the Afrikan narrative? We must     who  keep sabotaging  our  Afri-
          and relics that remind  Afrikans   be clear in our minds about what   kan knowledge systems, simply
          of the racial discrimination they   we want as Afrikans and also be   because they make money from
          have faced from the time of slav-  bold enough to spell it out with-  everything foreign. We must be
          ery even until now?  This  may     out fear.                          bold enough to protect our home
          not mean that much to many, but                                       in  Afrika and our  Afrikan heri-
          to me it is weighty. Can you see   Like Gideon  of the Bible  was     tage.
          that for the first time in modern   told, it's time for Afrika to go in
          history,  the white man kneels     the strength of this opportunity   This season has offered us this
          before the black man, either as    that has presented  itself, stop   one  good opportunity  to boldly
          an act of solidarity with Afrikans,   the chaos and violence, which   face the things that have under-
          concerning  racism issues, out     certainly  has not amounted to     mined us as a people.
          of  respect for  the late George   much, and then begin to recon-
          Floyd or  even as  a  symbol of    nect the various  communities      We must be bold to be Afrikans.
          having their knees still on the    of Afrikan thinkers, creators, in-
          neck of the Black Man?             novators and everyone with the
                                             right heart for Afrika's progress
          Whatever way it may appear to      for a new and truly liberated Afri-
          you, this kneeling -  for me -  is   ka. I personally believe in a pro-
          the symbol of the restoration of   gressive Afrika, but I also believe

          66        |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika                          HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY
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