Page 70 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 70
Afrika, where are you today?
Kyesubire Gregg
t has been a year since we so disinterested in caring tems were barbaric and we
I really began looking for our home, brothers and believed it. We were convinced
closely at what is going sisters that we make it hard for our names were archaic and
on in Afrika. I listened them, causing them to leave the must be changed. Our natural
Ito conversations, read continent in pursuit of a better habitats were ‘discovered’ by
articles, watched the news and life, thus making space for us to newcomers and gifted to their
what I saw really hit hard. I eat more? Aren’t we concerned leaders. Now our brothers
looked within my circles, in my about the lives lost in pursuit of and sisters in the diaspora are
home and even in my heart and the dream and recognition? subject to levels of depreciation
whether I wanted to or not I had that make us angry, but we feel
to admit all wasn’t and still isn’t Surely Afrika…Alkebulan, stuck and lost because we are
well in and with me or with my where are you today? seen as less.
I can see that many things have The state of mind: Many chil-
I ask myself over and over, happened through the course dren of this continent believe
what is wrong with us? Why are of time that have affected our that we are not enough.
we so focused on ourselves people. Our history is full of
and what others think of us? challenges and situations that We ‘have to’ become like those
Where is the love for a brother changed us and broke us many outside us to be accepted. We
and sister? How did we become decades ago. We were cap- are still caught in the thought
such a selfish people? Where tured, shipped out and sold as process that all our ways are
did our sense of community go? slaves. We were conscripted backward, so we pursue the
Have we forgotten ourselves in to be front liners in wars that ways of others. We are caught
the pursuit of recognition at any had nothing to do with us. We in thinking our people didn’t and
cost? Are we so committed to were exploited for our resourc- largely don’t know much, so we
living as others say we should, es and denied our rightful pay. take up ideologies and ways of
that we forget who we are? Are We were told our belief sys- life that aren’t ideal for us. We
70 | heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY