Page 73 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 73


          There comes a time where each one                                     guys on the street, with nothing

          must know what makes for their peace                                  to show for it the long run.
                                                                                For instance the UK is rushing
          and then decide either to hang on to                                  to build bridges with Africa like

          things, people, concepts, friendships,                                a fox whose tail is on fire. The
                                                                                reason, however, is obvious
          relationships or break the bridges                                    enough even for a road side

          and move on.                                                          chapati seller. The break away
                                                                                from EU means that they have
                                                                                to urgently look for new markets
                                                                                and partnerships. And be-
                                                                                cause my Afrikan people have
                                                                                not learnt to see clearly, they
                                             over a ban when Kigali, Addis,
         I                                   Nairobi, Abuja and all of Afri-    forgotten the chains and the
                am very concerned about
                                                                                are excited and clearly have
                the 7.5billion people living
                                             ka are sweet spots to live and
                in our world. But much
                                                                                slave ships that the first bridge
                                             also prosper in? So I laughed
                more than ever I am con-
                                                                                brought with it. That too is a
                cerned about the 1.3bil-
                                             slashed the prices of visas for
          lion Afrikans living in Afrika. My   when the Nigerian government     Trojan horse.
          people still do not understand     American citizens a few days       Let Afrikans pay attention
          what it means to be destroyed      after the ban was announced.       When it is said that the heart of
          for lack of knowledge. And that    Whether the slash was the          man is deep and desperately
          hurts badly. There are lots of     result of the ban, I do not know.   wicked, it is not a lie.
          things to talk about concerning    But in my mind I am like, when     The entire world was being set
          Afrika, and sometimes it’s just    will my Afrikan people learn       up a long time ago for some
          hard to choose what to talk        to burn some bridges? There        certain destruction; time and
          about. But I will focus on the     are some bridges that should       season are just the delaying
          closest things that need our       be built in order to secure the    factors. For those who love the
          quick attention.                   future, but there are also some    internet, but only know how to
                                             bridges that must be burnt, so     follow foolish trending things
          Recently, the US placed a          that the past will stop destroying   that make no particular sense,
          ban on Nigerian immigrants to      the moment and by extension,       please start to pay attention to
          America for some visa cate-        the future. Burning bridges is as   events from around the world.
          gories. At first it was assumed    important as building bridges.     If you pay attention, then you
          that this was a move that was      Especially when the bridge that    will see that there is a specific
          unexpected by the Nigerian         is being built is nothing but a    script being acted out by every
          government, but it was later       Trojan horse set in the midst of   agency of world government,
          clarified that they were apprised   the people to excite them, while   including the government of
          of the ban even before it was      the real selfish purpose of the    your nation, whether they are
          implemented. What followed         bridge is kept secret. The ini-    aware of it or not. That corona
          were some noises here and          tiative excites the people, they   virus hit China and by extension
          there and some people crying       gather to rejoice over the new     the world exactly ten years after
          foul about the ban. In my head,    development, but when you          Bill Gates spoke about reducing
          I was thinking "So what?!” What    ask them what it means, they       the population of the world by
          really is the big deal about the   have no clue. You ask them "so     fifteen percent, is not a coinci-
          US banning Nigeria or some         why are you here gathered in       dence. That the push for vac-
          Afrikan countries from migrating   this hot sun"? Their answer is     cines became stronger at the
          to the US? For me, it’s no big     as dumb as the ignorance on        end of 2019, which is the end of
          deal, but maybe it is for those    their faces. They have no clue.    that decade, is proof that there
          who think their lives and destiny   And this has been the Afrikan     is a timeline the global script is
          are tied to the dying American     narrative for decades. The big     playing by. Why? Vaccinate as
          dream and the nearly dead          boys play their political games    many people as you can within
          Europe. Why should I worry         with the ignorance of the simple   a certain time frame, knowing

                                         heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    73
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